(sıfat) bağlayıcı

listen to the pronunciation of (sıfat) bağlayıcı
التركية - الإنجليزية
The process of assembling a number of object code modules into a program This will require shared functions and data to be linked together The output of the linking phase is an executable program file (if all goes well)
{s} connecting, joining
The process of combining (i e , linking together) the object code modules (object files) of previously assembled program elements into a complete, executable program The elements linked together might consist of your program and library subroutines The final executable file has the extension EXE or COM; it can be loaded into the memory of the computer and executed
– Synonym of link editing
A way of sharing data and exchanging information; refers to the process of establishing a dynamic link between a source object or database file that is stored on the disk and a destination container object such as an Access table, form, or report
A hyperlink from one Web page jumps the viewer, when clicked, to another page anywhere on the Web Links are an effective marketing method for generating more traffic to your site by trading and or buying hyperlinks from other Websites Links also provide a valuable service to your visitors by pointing them to other relevant online resources
The process of creating a link to another page or site
Creating pointers from elements in a document or workspace to referenced items Links can be simple descriptions such as text citations to referenced items or they can be computational objects such as hypertext links on a web page Links can connect to different kinds of referenced items, including other portions of a document, other documents in a corpus, information on the web that is computed on demand, and meta-data Links can be used to support other operations besides following the link For example, links can be used to guide particular interpretations and visualizations, such as reasoning about validity of conclusions based on sources of different quality or dependence of sections on assumptions with varying degrees of belief See also assumption linking and source linking
Present participle of link
The act of combining various client accounts within the same family of funds for a breakpointunder an LOIor an ROA Generally, you can link retail and IRA accounts for the same family group (husband, wife and minor children)
The process of recognizing similarities and patterns from many different fields or projects; part of the process of managing information and knowledge
Using the Linker to link a program to other programs, or to a run-time system
Process of combining library files with object code thereby producing an executable file
Inserting an object (like an image or a document) into another file (called the destination file) while sustaining the connection of the inserted object to its original file so that as the original file is updated, the inserted object inside the destination file is updated automatically See EMBEDDING
Of or relating to something that connects other things together
Linking and framing are grey territory legally, but not in terms of copyright By linking to another page you risk the implication that you are the author of the material linked to This may constitute 'passing off' rather than copyright infringement Deep linking ( linking to a specific page in another website, bypassing the home page) should be avoided for this reason
The process of embedding the address of another web site or page into a web site, or the process of making use of an embedded link by "clicking" on it Thus, while looking at the web page for a REALTOR association, you might be able to click on a link to take you to an entirely different site or to a different page within that site That link has to have been pre-arranged by the webmaster Links in text are usually indicated with some sort of highlighting (often underlined text of a different color than the background text) When the mouse pointer is positioned over a live link, the web browser will usually change its appearance to indicate the availability of the link
to this site is OK, but no hosting or mirroring on another site without the author's permission
(n ) See chaining
(sıfat) bağlayıcı