(isim) güneyde beyazların üstünlüğünü savunan partili

listen to the pronunciation of (isim) güneyde beyazların üstünlüğünü savunan partili
التركية - الإنجليزية
a member of the States' Rights Democratic Party of the United States of America
a member of the Democratic Party of the United States of America, from the southern United States, one of the former territories of the Confederate States of America, who hold socially conservative viewpoints, and supports racial segregation and white power
or States' Rights Democrat In the U.S., member of a right-wing Democratic splinter group in the 1948 election. Organized by Southerners who objected to the Democrats' civil rights program, the Dixiecrats met in Birmingham, Ala., and nominated Gov. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina for president. He received more than one million votes in the 1948 election and won four states
(isim) güneyde beyazların üstünlüğünü savunan partili


    (i·sim) gü·ney·de be·yaz·la·rın üs·tün·lü·ğü·nü sa·vu·nan par·ti·li