(arkadaşlık) kurmak

listen to the pronunciation of (arkadaşlık) kurmak
التركية - الإنجليزية
strike up
To start something, usually playing live music

ergative)The bride entered the church just as the Wedding March struck up.

To start something with somebody else. Usually a conversation or relationship

He struck up a friendship with Redford that was to last for many years.

begin; "strike up a conversation"; "strike up a friendship
When musicians strike up a piece of music, or when music strikes up, the music begins. And then the orchestra struck up the National Anthem The band struck up, and riders paraded round the ring
When you strike up a conversation or friendship with someone, you begin one. I trailed her into Penney's and struck up a conversation
begin; "strike up a conversation"; "strike up a friendship"
start playing; "The musicians struck up a tune"
arkadaşlık kurmak
Make friends with sb

It is not easy to make friends with people from different nationalities.

arkadaşlık kurmak
to make friends (with sb)
arkadaşlık kurmak
make friends

I hear it takes time to make friends with the English people. - Duydum ki İngiliz insanlarla arkadaşlık kurmak zaman alıyor.

(arkadaşlık) kurmak