(Askeri) ZERRESEL KOZMİK IŞINLAR: Dış alemden gelen ve %86 sı hidrojen çekirdeği (proton), %31'i helyum çekirdeği (alfa partikülleri), %1'i helyumdan daha yüksek atom sayılı elemanlara ait çekirdeklerden ibaret bulunan esas kozmik ışınlar
(Askeri) GAMA IŞINLARI: Bir nükleer tepkime sonucunda atomun çekirdeğinden yayımlanan, yüksek enerjili elektromanyetik radyasyon. Gama ışınları ve çok yüksek enerjili X-ışınları yalnızca kaynakları itibariyle ayırt edilir. X-ışınları atom çekirdeğinden kaynaklanmayıp diğer yollarla üretilirler
Rays of relatively low penetrating power emitted by radium and other radioactive substances, and shown to consist of positively charged particles (perhaps particles of helium) having enormous velocities but small masses
They consist of negatively charged particles or electrons, apparently the same in kind as those of the cathode rays, but having much higher velocities (about 35,000 to 180,000 miles per second)
Rays emanating from the outer surface of a plate composed of any material permeable by cathode rays, as aluminium, which forms a portion of a wall of a vacuum tube, or which is mounted within the tube and exposed to radiation from the cathode
A Ray is one of the seven streams of force from God Each is the expression of a great Cosmic Being There are: 3 RAYS OF ASPECT - (1) the Ray of Will or Power; (2) the Ray of Love-Wisdom; (3) the Ray of Activity or Adaptability 4 RAYS OF ATTRIBUTE - (4) the Ray of Harmony, Beauty, Art or Unity; (5) the Ray of Concrete Knowledge or Science; (6) the Ray of Abstract Idealism or Devotion; (7) the Ray of Ceremonial Magic or Law
The seven streams of universal divine energy, each the expression of a great Life, whose interaction at every conceivable frequency creates the solar systems, galaxies and universes Movement of these energies, in spiralling cycles, draws all Being into and out of manifestation, coloring and saturating it with specific qualities and attributes
Strip of cells extending radially within a tree and varying in height from a few cells in some species to 100mm (4") which cause an appealing grain pattern
ribbon-like groups of vessels, tracheids and fibers that move water and other substances in the xylem between inner and outer rings and the phloem; best seen in radial sections of the trunk
move sap (sugar water) to the center parts of the tree Sometimes visible to the unaided eye, though magnification is often needed Rays can cause colored patterns in wood, such as dark or light flecks
The Seven Rays of Consciousness or light, love, and life These are energy vibrations in the form of seven different hues of light They are seven in one They are a complete spectrum, encompassing all levels of human consciousness The spectrum includes the lowest to the highest vibration possible for our usage Our thoughts, knowledge and ideas all have a vibration and energy emanation, and can be translated into a wavelength included within one of the Seven Rays or a combination of one or more of the Seven Rays The Seven Rays can be correlated and magnetized to each one of our seven main energy centers or Chakras Within the higher or purer levels of consciousness there are beings of Master Consciousness called Chohans which oversee and direct the emanations of the Rays to our planet and race