övüngen söz

listen to the pronunciation of övüngen söz
التركية - الإنجليزية
Vain boasting; a rant; pretentious behaviour

He talks of her abroad as a stern and rigid master dealing with a naughty slave, though, by the look that accompanies his rhodomontade, I am convinced that at home he is the very model of managed men..

To boast, brag or bluster pretentiously
Pretentiously boastful
{n} boasting, noise, bluster, rant
{v} to brag, boast, bluster, rant
vain and empty boasting
{f} boast, brag
{i} vain boasting; empty bluster; pretentious, bragging speech
{s} pretentious, haughty
To boast; to brag; to bluster; to rant
Vain boasting; empty bluster or vaunting; rant
övüngen söz