çift (sayı)

listen to the pronunciation of çift (sayı)
التركية - الإنجليزية
{s} even

When the even was come they brought unto him many that were possessed with devylles .

Leaving no remainder when divided by 2

Four, fourteen and forty are even numbers.

Emphasising a comparative

I was strong before; but now I am even stronger.

Balanced; adjusted; fair; equitable; impartial; just to both side; owing nothing on either side; said of accounts, bargains, or persons indebted; as, our accounts are even; an even bargain
to the full extent; "loyal even unto death"
We say that a function, f, is even, if it satisfies the equation f(-x) = f(x) for all values of x This terminology is based on the fact that all even power functions (e g , x2, x4, x-6, etc ) satisfy this equation
{s} smooth, straight, level; parallel; equal; uniform; consistent; calm, not easily excited or angered; fair; divisible by two, able to be divided exactly by two (Mathematics)
Without an irregularity, flaw, or blemish; pure
tests whether its argument, which must be an integer, is even
yet, still
Price is at an even dollar level: 1445 00 OR 1444 00, etc
divisible by two
to the full extent; "loyal even unto death
Implying an extreme example in the case mentioned, as compared to the implied reality
To act up to; to keep pace with
Equal in proportion, quantity, size etc
To set right; to complete
in spite of; notwithstanding; "even when he is sick, he works"; "even with his head start she caught up with him"
become even or more even; "even out the surface"
çift sayı
even number

Two, four, six and eight are even numbers. - İki, dört, altı ve sekiz çift sayıdırlar.

Every even number is the sum of two primes. - Her çift sayı iki asal sayının toplamıdır.

التركية - التركية

تعريف çift (sayı) في التركية التركية القاموس.

çift sayı
4, 6, 8 gibi 2'nin katı olan ve 2'ye bölünebilen tam sayı
çift (sayı)