Training sessions by Human Resources, Counselling and Development, Employee Assistance Program, Alumni, etc
provision of information or materials provided through workshops with the aim of imparting knowledge which can be cascaded to various groups e g students, teachers, governors, parents
A workshop is teaching/learning methodology in which a group engages in individual or small group "hands-on" activity or experiential learning of certain competencies of a usually highly specialized nature Thus, a workshop is essentially a "short course" offered in a concentrated period of time, such as a week or a few days, and in which the emphasis is on actual experience related to the topics of the workshop
These are generally held on a Saturday and Sunday and are led by professionals and all cohousing members are encouraged to attend The design workshops develop plans with input from the members for the site design, common house design and unit designs The organizational development workshops will cover the skills members will need in order to manage their future community These skills may include and are not limited to meeting management, facilitation, conflict resolution, action planning, budgeting, marketing and outreach techniques, etc
discrete activities that supplement and enhance the experiences provided for all
Academic instruction for a small group, which employs such techniques as role-playing simulation encounters give and take sessions and problem-solving laboratories
(Bilim, İlim) A workshop is also a gathering or training session which may be several days in length. It emphasizes problem-solving, hands-on training, and requires the involvement of the participants. Often Symposium, a lecture or a meeting can become a workshop when it is accompanied by a practical demonstration