any national cricket team that is authorized to compete in test cricket

listen to the pronunciation of any national cricket team that is authorized to compete in test cricket
İngilizce - İngilizce
Test side
any national cricket team that is authorized to compete in test cricket


    a·ny Na·tion·al crick·et team that I·s au·thor·ized to com·pete in test crick·et

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    eni näşnıl krîkıt tim dhıt îz ôthırayzd tı kımpit în test krîkıt


    /ˈenē ˈnasʜnəl ˈkrəkət ˈtēm ᴛʜət əz ˈôᴛʜərˌīzd tə kəmˈpēt ən ˈtest ˈkrəkət/ /ˈɛniː ˈnæʃnəl ˈkrɪkət ˈtiːm ðət ɪz ˈɔːθɜrˌaɪzd tə kəmˈpiːt ɪn ˈtɛst ˈkrɪkət/