
listen to the pronunciation of anthropogeographie
Almanca - Türkçe
/ besert cografya ^id antropoit iden p/.;», insansilar löge m antropolog, antropolojist -logie/ antropoloji, beseriyat, insanbilim 91oglsch antropolojik -metrie / antropometri "metrisch antropometrik 2morph antropoinorf, insanbicimi, miisebbeh -morphlsmus m antropomorfizm, insanbicimcilik, müsebbihe -phage m yamyam -phagie / yamyamlik -soph m antropozof -sophie / antropozofi "sophlsch antropozofik "zentrisch
Almanca - İngilizce
The science of the human species as to geographical distribution and environment
Broadly, it includes industrial, commercial, and political geography, and that part of ethnology which deals with distribution and physical environment