A signal or tone sent by a receiving equipment or data set to the sending station to indicate that it is ready to accept transmission Alternatively a signal or tone sent to acknowledge receipt of a transmission
A signal sent by receiving equipment to the sending station to indicate that the receiver is ready to accept transmission
An Answer Back (AB) is an electrical and/or visual indication to the calling or sending end that the called or received station is on the line
If someone, especially a child, answers back, they speak rudely to you when you speak to them. She was punished by teachers for answering back I always answered him back when I thought he was wrong
A reply message from a terminal, manually or automatically initiated, to verify that the terminal has been addressed and is operational
answer (someone) back terbiyesizce veya kustahca karsilik vermek
ans·wer (so·me·o·ne) back ter·bi·ye·siz·ce ve·ya kus·tah·ca kar·si·lik ver·mek