A procedure used in the nomenclature of complex organic compounds in which the superatoms of a basic structure (a phane) are replaced by cyclic structures (amplificants)
Most earthquakes are relatively small, in fact, so small that no one feels them In order for seismologists to see the recording of the movement of the ground from the smaller earthquakes, the recording has to be made larger It's like looking at the recording through a magnifying glass, and the amount that it is magnified is the amplification Shaking levels at a site may also be increased by focusing of seismic energy caused by the geometry of the sediment velocity structure, such as basin subsurface topography, or by surface topography
using imagery to create a meaningful context around a symbol needing examination Also known as elaboration of the symbol In subjective amplification, a dreamer, for example, uses active imagination to associate to a dream symbol in order to grasp it better In objective amplification, the analyst collects themes from mythology, alchemy, religion, and other sources to illuminate, or amplify, archetypal symbols produced in dreams or fantasy
(amplification source) the process of indoor growth leading to an increased indoor microbial concentration compared to the immediate outdoor environment
In some situations a resonance can occur in deep soil layers, markedly increasing the ground shaking resulting from an earthquake This causes more damage than in adjacent areas
An increase in the amplitude of tide, particularly when approaching the coast This is partly due to reflection and resonance (see also seiche), but more generally, caused by shoaling and funnelling
addition of extra material or illustration or clarifying detail; "a few remarks added in amplification and defense"; "an elaboration of the idea followed"
The growth of the radiation field in the laser resonator cavity As the light wave bounces back and forth between the cavity mirrors, it is amp stimulated emission on each pass through the active medium
Term used to describe devices that can be used to amplify, or make louder, the hearing a child has Examples of amplification are hearing aids, FM systems, and cochlear implants
(electronics) the act of increasing voltage or power or current addition of extra material or illustration or clarifying detail; "a few remarks added in amplification and defense"; "an elaboration of the idea followed"