
listen to the pronunciation of ames
İngilizce - Türkçe

ames teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

{f} ağarmak
{i} gri

Babamın mavi gri bir kravatı var. - My father has a blue and gray tie.

Ofisim, o gri altı katlı binanın dördüncü katında. - My office is on the fourth floor of that gray six-story building.

{s} boz

Bozkurt, beni yeme, senin için bir şarkı söylerim. - Don't eat me, gray wolf, I'll sing a song for you.

{s} sıkıntılı
(Aİ) bkz.grey
fisher ames
balıkçı Ames
(to) silikleştirmek
{s} kır

Gri sincaplar fıstık gömer, ancak kırmızı sincaplar gömmez. - Gray squirrels bury nuts, but red squirrels don't.

Tom gri bir takım elbise giyiyordu ve kırmızı bir kravat takıyordu. - Tom was wearing a gray suit and a red tie.

(isim) gri
{s} kırlaşmış
(Nükleer Bilimler) (reactor technology) gri
{f} kırlaşmak
s., i. gri
{s} külrengi
{s} kapalı
(Nükleer Bilimler) (Gy) gray
{f} beyazlaşmak
İngilizce - İngilizce
{i} family name; name of several cities and towns in the USA; city in central Iowa (USA) where Iowa State University of Science and Technology is located
A city of central Iowa north of Des Moines. Iowa State University of Science and Technology (founded 1858) is here. Population: 47,198
{i} (Slang) amyl nitrite (term used by street gangs)
Ames test
A test used to determine the mutagenic potential of a substance based on the mutation rate of bacteria that are exposed to the substance
within ames ace
nearly, very near (1811 Dictionary of Vulgar Tongue)
Fisher Ames
born April 9, 1758, Dedham, Mass. died July 4, 1808, Dedham, Mass., U.S. U.S. essayist and Federalist politician. He graduated from Harvard College in 1774 and taught school for five years before turning to the law; he was admitted to the bar in 1781. Supporting the creation of a strong central government, Ames argued for ratification of the new U.S. Constitution at the Massachusetts constitutional convention. He became known for his uncompromising advocacy of the rights of property and his protective attitude toward commercial interests, which he defended in trenchant writing and commanding speech. In 1788 he defeated Samuel Adams for a seat in the first session of the U.S. House of Representatives; he was reelected three times. His eloquent support of the treaty negotiated by John Jay to preserve peace with England (1794) convinced the House to pass an enabling appropriation
Winthrop Ames
born Nov. 25, 1870, North Easton, Mass., U.S. died Nov. 3, 1937, Boston, Mass. U.S. theatrical producer and manager. Born into a wealthy New England family, he traveled to Europe in 1904 to study the management of 60 opera and theatre companies. After comanaging a Boston theatre, he became managing director of New York City's New Theatre (1908-11). He founded the Little Theatre and the Booth Theatre, where he produced and directed such successful plays as The Philanderer (1913), Beggar on Horseback (1924), and a series of Gilbert and Sullivan revivals (1926-29). His Snow White (1913) was the first play produced in the U.S. especially for children