
listen to the pronunciation of amblyopia
İngilizce - Türkçe
(Tıp, İlaç) Göz dönüklüğü hastalığı
görme bozukluğu
amblyopic görme bozukluğuna ait
İngilizce - İngilizce
dimness or blurring of the eyesight due to a fault in transmission of signals to the brain from an otherwise healthy eye
(Tıp, İlaç) Amblyopia, or lazy eye, is a disorder of the eye that is characterized by poor or indistinct vision in an eye that is otherwise physically normal, or out of proportion to associated structural abnormalities. It has been estimated to affect 1–5% of the population
Sometimes referred to as lazy eye, a condition of diminished visual acuity in the absence of any detectable anatomic or physiologic cause
A visual defect that affects approximately 1-2% of the population Amblyopia involves lowered visual acuity (clarity) and/or poor muscle control in one eye The result is often a loss of stereoscopic vision and binocular depth perception Vision therapy can benefit this condition, but early detection is very important For many years, it was thought that amblyopia (lazy eye) was only amenable to treatment during the "critical period" This is the period up to age seven or eight years Current research has conclusively demonstrated that effective treatment can take place at any age, but the length of the treatment period increases dramatically the longer the condition has existed prior to treatment Research has also demonstrated that patients with amblyopia are more likely to sustain injuries resulting in the loss of their good eye than individuals with two good eyes There are many reasons that early childhood eye examinations are essential
Often called "lazy eye" it is a unilateral (occasionally bilateral) condition in which, in the absence of any obvious structural anomalies or ocular disease, the best corrected vision is less than 20/20 (6/6) Amblyopia is often occurs in an eye that did not have adequate use during early childhood Most often amblyopia results from either a misalignment of a child's eyes, such as crossed eyes, or a difference in image quality between the two eyes (one eye focusing better than the other ) In both cases, one eye becomes stronger, suppressing the image of the other eye If this condition persists, the weaker eye may becomes useless With early diagnosis and treatment, the sight in the "lazy eye" can be restored
sometimes called "lazy eye," is the reduction or dimming of vision in an eye that appears to be normal
Also called lazy eye, this is a condition of decreased vision in one or both eyes that occurs without detectable structural abnormalities or disease in the eye or visual pathways Best corrected vision is usually less than 20/20
Generally known as "lazy eye," Amblyopia is a condition common in young children A child with Amblyopia becomes used to seeing with only one eye Without treatment, the unused eye will not develop visual acuity Treatment often includes placing an eye patch over the good eye in order to force the child to use the weaker eye This treatment is simple and effective If Amblyopia is not detected and treated before school age, lost vision can be permanent (Palin 4)
(Gr amblys =dull + Gr ops =eye)
diminished vision in one or both eyes without apparent physical reason, and despite best lens correction
dimness of vision without detectable organic lesion of the eye
Also known as "lazy eye " Although there are different types of amblyopia, the term generally references a condition in children, in which the vision in one eye does not develop properly and the child cannot see well with it
Low or reduced visual acuity not correctable by refractive means, such as glasses or contacts, and exists despite any apparent structural or pathologic abnormalities of the eye Amblyopia is a coping mechanism for confusing visual information, where the brain decides to ignore information coming into one eye (or some of both eyes in rare cases) Amblyopes often are strabismic (have an eye turn) A common lay term for amblyopia is "lazy eye "
often referred to as "lazy eye"; a condition caused by a lack of normal sight development in one eye during early childhood This is a common ailment which occurs in approximately 2-3% of the population
The condition in which one eye is not correctable to normal visual acuity with lenses; a lowered measured visual acuity in one eye compared to the other eye This condition can result from strabismus, injury, or the student using one eye more than the other
(from the Greek "dulled vision") is poor vision in an eye that did not develop normal sight during early childhood It is sometimes called "lazy eye " When one eye
Reduction or dimness of vision with no detectable organic cause
The loss or lack of central vision in one eye, unrelated to eye disease Usually occurs by age four and involves a lack of vision development generally related to a failure to use both eyes together
Sometimes called "lazy eye," amblyopia develops early in childhood, where the vision in one eye is significantly weaker than the other eye It should be treated before the age of 8, and early detection is why a full early childhood eye examination is so important for your children
"All babies are born with poor eyesight As babies grow, their eyesight gets better Good eyesight needs a clear, focused image that is the same in both eyes If the image isn't clear in one eye, or if the image isn't the same in both eyes, the vision pathways won't develop right In fact, the pathways may actually get worse " From: http: //familydoctor org/handouts/460 html
Poor vision in an eye that did not develop normal sight during childhood It is sometimes called "lazy eye "
visual impairment without apparent organic pathology
— Also know as "lazy eye " It is the loss or lack of central vision in one eye or the inability of the eye to focus
Poor vision without any visible abnormality of the eye Synonym= lazy eye
often called "lazy eye" it is a condition in which the best corrected vision in one eye is poorer than 20/20 (6/6) in the absence of any obvious structural anomalies or ocular disease
a subnormal vision in one or both eyes and is sometimes referred to as "lazy eye" primarily because amblyopia can develop as a result of strabismus or crossed eyes
= diminished sight in one eye (also called Lazy Eye)
Reduced visual acuity in the absence of organic disease, which cannot be improved by spectacles; it is usually uniocular Amblyopia is held to be reversible up to the age of about 8 years Children presenting with amblyopia will be treated with occlusion or other therapies in order to reverse the visual loss It is thought to be caused by hypermetropia and/or anisometropia as well as by the various types of squint Some practitioners treat these refractive errors in preschool children to prevent the development of amblyopia; others follow-up these children and intervene as soon as the amblyopia appears
{i} distorted vision, unclear vision
dimness or blurring of the eyesight due to a fault in transmission of signals to the brain
Weakness of sight, without and opacity of the cornea, or of the interior of the eye; the first degree of amaurosis
lazy eye