
listen to the pronunciation of allowance
İngilizce - Türkçe
{i} ödenek

Onlar her ay 247.32 euroluk bir ödenek alırlar. - They receive an allowance every month which is €247.32.

{i} müsaade
{i} harçlık

Onun yaşına göre harçlık vermelisin. - You should make allowances for her age.

Tom anne ve babasından aldığı harçlıkla yaşıyor. - Tom is living on an allowance from his parents.

{i} hesaba katma

Onun deneyimsizliğini hesaba katmalısın. - You must make allowance for his inexperience.

Onun tecrübe eksikliğini hesaba katmalısın. - You must make allowance for his lack of experience.

(Mekanik) pay
(Politika, Siyaset) harcırah
(Ticaret) ayırma
(Ticaret) bir işe ayrılan para
ihtiyat payı
(Ticaret) ödeme miktarı
handikap spor
cep harçlığı

Cep harçlığını yararsız şeylere harcama. - Don't waste your allowance on useless things.

sağlanan para
göz yumma
özel bir araç için ayrılan
{i} iskonto
yedek pay
harçlık bağlamak
haftalık vb
{i} göz önünde tutma

Avukat yargıca suçlananların yaşlarını göz önünde tutmasını rica etti. - The lawyer asked the judge to make allowance for the age of the accused.

(Askeri) İSTİHKAK: Bir şahsa veya teşkile tahsis edilen belirli miktarda ikmal maddeleri veya teçhizat kalemleri
fiyat indirimi
{i} handikap [spor.]
{i} hoşgörü
{i} avans [spor.]
{i} indirim
(Ticaret) gider miktarı
(Politika, Siyaset) tahsis
(Ticaret) para

Avansımın yarısını sana vereceğim. - I'll give you half my allowance.

(Hukuk) aylık bağlama
(Hukuk) istihkak
izin vermek

Çocuğun yaşı nedeniyle izin vermek zorundasın. - You have to allow for the boy's age.

Tom Mary'nin geçmesine izin vermek için kenara çekildi. - Tom stepped aside to allow Mary to pass.

allowance for
parası için
allowance for loss on investments
yatırım kaybı için ödenek
allowance (seam)
(Tekstil) paylerans (dikiş)
allowance deduction
(Ticaret) istihkak kesintisi
allowance for cash
peşin indirimi
allowance for cash
allowance seam
(Tekstil) paylerans dikiş
olanak vermek
imkân vermek
olanak sağlamak
göz önüne almak
cost of living allowance
Asgari geçim indirimi
language allowance
Dil Tazminatı
izin vemek
(Bilgisayar) en çok
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı sayısı
mahal vermek
cevaz vermek
(Bilgisayar) aşağıdakilere izin ver
(Bilgisayar) izin ver

Babam benim köpek bakmama izin vermez. - My father won't allow me to keep a dog.

Size kuralları ihlal etmek için izin verilmez. - You are not allowed to violate the rules.

(Bilgisayar) izin verilen

Bunu yapmasına izin verilen tek kişi ben değildim. - I wasn't the only one who was allowed to do that.

Bu Tom'a vermene izin verilen son hediye. - That's the last gift you are allowed to give to Tom.

kabul etmek
child allowance
çocuk yardımı
daily allowance
(Politika, Siyaset) harcırah
distortion allowance
(Mekanik) çarpılma payı
investments allowance
(Turizm) yatırım izni
seam allowance
dikiş payı
severe disablement allowance
(Ticaret) şiddetli engellilik ödeneği
shake allowance
(Mekanik) tıklama payı
shrinkage allowance
(Mekanik) çekilme payı
slotting allowance
Bir ürünü rafta bulundurma bedeli
subsistence allowance
(Ticaret) geçim indirimi
subsistence allowance
(Politika, Siyaset) geçinme ödemesi
subsistence allowance
(Askeri) tayın bedeli
travel allowance
yol parası
youth allowance
(Ticaret) gençlik ödeneği
itiraf etmek
accommodation allowance
mesken tazminatı
children's allowance
çocuk zammı
contingency allowance
fazla mesai vergini
dependency allowance
çocuk yardımı
depreciation allowance
distortion allowance
distorsiyon payı
family allowance
kodak yardımı
tax allowance
vergi muafiyeti
travel allowance
travel allowance
seyahat izni
travel allowance
yol masrafı
hesaba katılabilir
attendance allowance
katılım parası
bend allowance
bükülme payı
car allowance
araba parası
compensation allowance
Tazminat ödeneği
distortion allowance
(Mühendislik) çarpılma payı, bozulma payı
draft allowance
(Mühendislik) çekme payı
finish allowance
(Mühendislik) işleme payı
foreign allowance
yabancı parası
free allowance of luggage
ücretsiz bagaj haddi
independence allowance
bağımsızlık yardımı
job seeker's allowance
işsizlik nafakası
make allowance for
-i hesaba katmak
maternity allowance
annelik parası
pattern allowance
(Mühendislik) kalıp payı
trade allowance
ticaret yardımı
trim allowance
kesme payı
Table of Distribution and Allowance
(Askeri) Kuruluş Dışı Kadro ve İstihkaklar
Table of Distribution and Allowance (TDA) designation
(Askeri) Kuruluş Dışı Kadro ve İstihkaklar Listesinin belirlenmesi
{f} fikrinde olmak
{f} bırakmak
{f} koyvermek
{f} ayırmak
{f} indirim yapmak
{f} izin vermek, müsaade etmek
{f} düşünmek
allowable caiz
{f} hesaba katmak
{f} vermek

Çocuğun yaşı nedeniyle izin vermek zorundasın. - You have to allow for the boy's age.

Tom Mary'nin geçmesine izin vermek için kenara çekildi. - Tom stepped aside to allow Mary to pass.

rıza göstermek
annual allowance
(Avrupa Birliği) yıllık ödenek
attendance allowance
(Politika, Siyaset) bakıcı ödeneği
attendance allowance
(Ticaret) bakım ödeneği
authorized allowance of supplies
(Askeri) YETKİ VERİLMİŞ İKMAL MADDELERİ İSTİHKAKI: İstihkak çizelgelerine; teşkilat ve malzeme kadrolarına veya yetkili bir makamın emrine uygun olarak, kullanma yetkisi verilmiş ikmal maddeleri
authorized dental allowance list
(Askeri) yetki verilmiş dişçi sınıfı istihkak listesi
authorized medical allowance list
(Askeri) yetki verilmiş sıhhi istihkak listesi
baggage allowance
bagaj haddi
basic allowance for housing
(Askeri) temel konut tahsisatı
basic allowance for quarters
(Askeri) MESKEN BEDELİ: Aynı mesken (quarters in kind) verilmeyen bütün hizmet personeline ödenen para. Buna "quarters allowance" da denir. Eskiden "rental allowance" ve "commutation of allowance" denirdi
basic allowance for subsistence
(Askeri) İAŞE BEDELİ, TAYİN BEDELİ: Yiyecekleri kendileri tarafından temin edilen bütün hizmet personeline ödenen para. Buna kısaca "ration allowance" ve "subsistence allowance" da denir. Eskiden "commutation of ration" denirdi
basic allowance for subsistence; battalion aid station
(Askeri) iaşe bedeli, tayin bedeli; tabur yardım istasyonu
bed expansion allowance
(Askeri) YATAK ARTIRMA KAPASİTESİ: Bak. "expansion bed capacity"
child allowance
çocuk indirimi
child allowance
çocuk zammı
children allowance
(Kanun) çocuk tazminatı
clothing allowance
(Askeri) GİYECEK İSTİHKAKI: Erat sınıfına mensup bir şahsa tahsis edilen giyecek miktarı
clothing allowance
(Askeri) giyecek istihkakı
clothing monetary allowance
common table of allowance
(Askeri) ortak istihkaklar listesi
common table of allowance
(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK İSTİHKAK ÇİZELGESİ: Değiştirme ve ikmal personeli eğitim merkezleri, Kara Ordusu gemileri, iaşe hizmeti okulları gibi ayrı bölge veya komutanlıklar dahilinde bulunan aynı tipten çeşitli birliklere ait teçhizat için tahsis edilen çizelge. Ayrıca bakınız: "table of allowance"
compassionate allowance
compassionate allowance
consolidated table of allowance
(Askeri) TEVHİT EDİLMİŞ İSTİHKAK ÇİZELGESİ: Bir müessese ve komutanlıktaki bir kaç birliğe veya bütün birlik ve bürolara ait teçhizat tahsisini bildiren bir cetvel
corrosion allowance
paslanma payı
cost of living allowance
pahalılık zammı
disability allowance
(Ticaret) maluliyet indirimi
disability allowance
(Ticaret) sakatlık indirimi
disability living allowance
(Politika, Siyaset) özürlü yaşam ödeneği
disability living allowance
(Ticaret) engelli yaşamödeneği
disability living allowance
(Ticaret) engelli yaşam ödeneği
enlisted allowance
(Askeri) gönüllü askerlik ikramiyesi
enlisted allowance
(Askeri) GÖNÜLLÜ ASKERLİK İKRAMİYESİ: Bir şerefli terhisle ordu'dan ayrıldıktan sonra, üç ay içinde tekrar gönüllü olarak ordu'ya katılan her şahsa verilen ikramiye. Ödenecek miktar, hizmet derecesine göre tayin edilir
expense allowance
masraf ödeneği
family allowance
(Avrupa Birliği) aile yardımı
family allowance
(Askeri) AİLE TAHSİSATI: Bir erin ailesine Ordu Maliye Merkezi aracılığıyla yapılan aylık ödeme. Ayrıca bakınız: "class F deduction" ve "class Q allotment"
fostering allowance
(Ticaret) koruyucu aile ödeneği
guardian’s allowance
(Ticaret) vasi ödeneği
individual table of allowance
(Askeri) münferit istihkak çizelgesi
individual table of allowance
(Askeri) MÜNFERİT İSTİHKAK ÇİZELGESİ: Kuruluş dışı kadro ile teşkil edilmiş bir faaliyet merkezine, harekat ve idari maksatla kullanacağı malzeme yetkisini belirten çizelge. Teşkilat ve malzeme kadrolarına göre teşkil edilmiş tali birliklere ait malzeme yetkisini de ihtiva edebilir. Bak. "table of allowance"
initial clothing monetary allowance
(Askeri) İLK NAKDİ GİYECEK İSTİHKAKI: Bak. "clothing monetary allowance"
investment allowance
(Avrupa Birliği) yatırım indirimi
leave travel allowance
make allowance for
birinden bir şey için özür dilemek
make allowance for
hesaba katmak
make allowance for
bir şeyin zararını telafi etmek
make allowance for
-i hesaba katmak. make amends to s.o. for
maternity allowance
(Ticaret) annelik ödeneği
mileage allowance
(Askeri) YOL MASRAFLARI: Vazife ile seyahat eden subaylara, masraflarına karşılık verilen tahsisat. Bu tahsisat, mil başına sabit bir miktar üzerinden hesaplanır. Buna kısaca "mileage" de denir
mission load allowance
(Askeri) görev yük istihkakı
moment allowance
moment kapatma
monthly family allowance
(Askeri) aylık aile yardım keseneği
monthly family allowance
(Askeri) AYLIK AİLE YARDIM KESENEĞİ: Bak. "family allowance"
pension allowance
(Fiili Deyim ) emekli aylığı
pension allowance
(Ticaret) emeklilik ödeneği
per diem allowance
(Askeri) GEÇİCİ GÖREV YOLLUĞU: Daimi garnizonlardan geçici bir görevle ayrılan personele, zaruri masraflarını karşılamak üzere verilen günlük para
permissive action link; personnel allowance list; program assembler language
(Askeri) ateşlemeyi geciktirme düzeni; personel istihkak listesi; assembler programlama dili
promotional allowance
(Ticaret) tanıtım indirimi
quantity allowance
(Ticaret) miktar iskontosu
quarters allowance
(Askeri) MESKEN BEDELİ: Bak "basic allowance for quarters"
ration allowance
(Askeri) iaşe bedeli
ration allowance
(Askeri) TAYIN BEDELİ: Ayni olarak dağıtılan yetki verilmiş rasyon yerine ödenen para. Ayrıca bakınız: "basic subsistance"
rental allowance
(Askeri) MESKEN BEDELİ: Bak. "basic allowance for quarters"
severance allowance
(Askeri) TERHİS ELBİSE BEDELİ: Hizmetten ayrılan erata, şahsi elbise ve eşya temin etmek üzere verilen tahsisat
severance allowance
(Askeri) terhis elbise bedeli
severance allowance
(Askeri) terhis yolluk bedeli
sickness allowance
(Ticaret) hastalık tazminatı
special purpose table of allowance
(Askeri) ÖZEL MAKSAT İSTİHKAK ÇİZELGESİ: Eğitim, kıta, haber alma ve öğretim faaliyetleri, din işleri ve dini ibadet yerleri gibi bazı çeşitli maksatlar ve Müşterek faaliyetler için yetki verilmiş teçhizat gösteren istihkak çizelgesi. Bak. "table of allowance"
special table of allowance
(Askeri) ÖZEL İSTİHKAK ÇİZELGESİ: Yalnız giyecek, sarfedilebilir ikmal maddeleri, şahsi oturma yerlerine mahsus mobilya gibi bazı çeşit teçhizat ve ikmal maddeleri kullanma yetkisini belirten istihkak çizelgesi. Bak. "table of allowance"
standard clothing monetary allowance
station allowance quarters
station allowance subsistence
subsistence allowance
(Askeri) TAYİN BEDELİ: Bak. "Basic allowance for subsistence"
table of allowance
(Askeri) İSTİHKAK LİSTESİ, İSTİHKAK TABLOSU: Kuruluşa ait malzemenin temel istihkakını belirleyen ve envanter kullanım hakkı verilerinin geliştirilmesi, tashih edilmesi veya geliştirilmesini kontrol edebilmeyi sağlayan bir malzeme istihkak belgesi
table of allowance
(Askeri) istihkak çizelgesi
tax allowance
vergi indirimi
tax allowance
vergiye tabi olmayan gelir
tax allowance
(fiil)rgi indirimi, vergi muafiyeti, vergiye tabi olmayan gelir
travel allowance
(Askeri) YOLLUK: Yetkili makam tarafından verilen emirler gereğince yapılan seyahatlerdeki masraflar için ödenen para
travel allowance
travel allowance
travel allowance
seyahat tazminatı
travel allowance advance
(Askeri) yolluk avansı
travel allowance advance
(Askeri) YOLLUK: Yetkili makam tarafından verilen emirler gereğince yapılan seyahatlerdeki masraflar için ödenen para
uniform allowance
(Askeri) giyecek bedeli
İngilizce - İngilizce
That which is allowed; a share or portion allotted or granted; a sum granted as a reimbursement, a bounty, or as appropriate for any purpose; a stated quantity, as of food or drink; hence, a limited quantity of meat and drink, when provisions fall short

I can give the boy a handsome allowance. -- William Makepeace Thackeray.

Abatement; deduction; the taking into account of mitigating circumstances; as, to make allowance for the inexperience of youth

After making the largest allowance for fraud. -- Thomas Babington Macaulay.

A child's allowance; pocket money

The censure of the which one must in your allowance overweigh a whole theater of others. --William Shakespeare.

The act of allowing, granting, conceding, or admitting; authorization; permission; sanction; tolerance

Without the king's will or the state's allowance. --William Shakespeare.

A customary deduction from the gross weight of goods, different in different countries, such as tare and tret
{n} a salary, share, approbation, abatement
{v} to put upon allowance
A budget offered by builders of new homes for the purchase of carpeting and fixtures
In a foundry, the clearance specified; difference in limiting sizes, as minimum clearance or maximum interference between mating parts, as computed arithmetically
An amount paid by the seller as restitution or reimbursement if the receiving party was dissatisfied with the shipment for any number of reasons: faulty packaging, late arrival, etc [ITDS]
a permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits
An amount paid or credited as a refund or reimbursement to a buyer due to any of a number of causes that result in an inability for the seller to meet the buyer's specifications
Promotional money paid by manufacturers to retailers in return for an agreement to feature the manufacturer's products in some way
a sum of money set aside in the construction contract for items which have not been selected and specified in the construction contract Best kept to a minimum number and used for items who's choice will not impact earlier stages of the construction For example, selection of tile as flooring may require an alternative framing or underlayment material
money paid for working at home -- "Billy gets a $5 allowance every week " (117)
an amount added or deducted on the basis of qualifying circumstances; "an allowance for profit"
This is the number you put on your Form W-4 so your employer can calculate the amount of income tax to withhold from your paycheck The more allowances you claim, the less income tax will be withheld Usually, you claim one allowance each for yourself, your spouse and each of your dependents However, you can adjust the number of allowances for your situation -- if you have a lot of deductions that will reduce your final tax bill, you may want to claim more allowances so your withholding will be less -- to avoid having too much or not enough tax withheld
The intentional difference in the dimensions of mating parts that provides for different classes of fits It is a minimum clearance (positive allowance) or maximum interference (negative allowance) between mating parts
an amount of money parents give kids to help them learn to manage money The amount is usually given weekly Sometimes an allowance is tied to completing responsibilities household chores or jobs for the family
(1) The sum or sums awarded a fiduciary by a court as compensation for its services; to be distinguished from charge, commission, and fee (2) See Widow's Allowance (3) Waiver by a beneficiary or other interested party of certain actions performed by the fiduciary which might not conform with instrument terms, local statutes, prudent practices, etc
put on a fixed allowance, as of food
the amount of money a builder allocates for a particular item If the item you select costs less, you save; if it costs more, you pay the difference
A deduction or relief which you may be able to claim depending on your circumstances Most people can claim a basic personal allowance, but other allowances available are the additional age related allowances for the elderly (income related), the married couple's allowance, the additional personal allowance for single people bringing up children, the widow's bereavement allowance and the blind person's allowance Some of these allowances are being phased out in 2000/2001
(a) A deduction from weight or value of shipment (b) An amount given in repayment
a reserve fund created by a charge against profits in order to provide for changes in the value of a company's assets
The amount deducted from the measurement of a recess so that the blind will fit without snagging If an opening is 1200mm wide x 1500mm drop, we will deduct an allowance so that the blind will fit inside the recess Allowances are normally 5mm from each side or 10mm from each measurement in total
is the compensation payable in respect of a position, or in respect of some of the positions in a group, by reason of duties of a special nature, or, a compensation for duties that an employee is required to perform in addition to the duties of the employee's position (indemnités)
A fixed sum for a specific portion of the work determined by the architect in advance of bidding to be used by all bidders in their bids An Allowance would be used when the exact character or quality of an element of the work is not known at the time of bidding
Acknowledgement by the Trade-marks Office that an application is eligible for registration The applicant receives a "Notice of Allowance" (not the same as "Certificate of Registration")
A tradeable permit to emit a specific amount of a pollutant For example, under the Acid Rain Program, one allowance permits the emissions of one ton of sulfur dioxide (SO2)
A sum of money set aside in the construction contract for items which have not been selected and specified in the construction contract For example, selection of tile as a flooring may require an allowance for an underlayment material, or an electrical allowance which sets aside an amount of money to be spent on electrical fixtures
An allowance is a maximum a traveler may claim to cover expenses It is not a reimbursement for actual costs incurred
An environmental permit established by the CAAA of 1990 to allow an affected generator of electric power to emit one ton of sulfur dioxide
Monies issued monthly to the annuitant
a sum granted as reimbursement for expenses
an amount allowed or granted (as during a given period); "travel allowance"; "my weekly allowance of two eggs"; "a child's allowance should not be too generous"
To put upon a fixed allowance esp
License; indulgence
the act of allowing; "He objected to the allowance of smoking in the diningroom"
a permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits an amount added or deducted on the basis of qualifying circumstances; "an allowance for profit"
A particular type of allowance is an amount of something that you are allowed in particular circumstances. Most of our flights have a baggage allowance of 44lbs per passenger
of provisions and drink; to supply in a fixed and limited quantity; as, the captain was obliged to allowance his crew; our provisions were allowanced
An allowance is money that is given to someone, usually on a regular basis, in order to help them pay for the things that they need. He lives on a single parent's allowance of £70 a week
Your tax allowance is the amount of money that you are allowed to earn before you have to start paying income tax. those earning less than the basic tax allowance
Approval; approbation
A child's allowance is money that is given to him or her every week or every month by his or her parents
If you make allowances for someone, you accept behaviour which you would not normally accept or deal with them less severely than you would normally, because of a problem that they have. He's tired so I'll make allowances for him
{i} stipend; grant; pocket money; discount, deduction; acknowledgment
If you make allowances for something, you take it into account in your decisions, plans, or actions. We'll make allowances in the schedule for time off
a sum granted as reimbursement for expenses put on a fixed allowance, as of food
the act of allowing; "He objected to the allowance of smoking in the diningroom" a permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits an amount added or deducted on the basis of qualifying circumstances; "an allowance for profit" an amount allowed or granted (as during a given period); "travel allowance"; "my weekly allowance of two eggs"; "a child's allowance should not be too generous" a sum granted as reimbursement for expenses put on a fixed allowance, as of food
A childs allowance; pocket money
allowance account
valuation reserve: a reserve fund created by a charge against profits in order to provide for changes in the value of a company's assets
allowance factor
(Ticaret) A percentage, unit or dollar amount added to a calculation of an exact specification to allow for an imperfect process or observed history (ex.- a material scrap factor or labor performance standard). The exact specification is not changed so that the theoretically-possible result is still visible
allowance of the claim
recognize a claim, accept a claim as true (Law)
Jobseeker's Allowance
A means-tested government benefit available to jobseekers
To grant (something) as a deduction or an addition; especially to abate or deduct

To allow a sum for leakage.

To grant, give, admit, accord, afford, or yield; to let one have

He was allowed about three hundred pounds a year. — Thomas Babington Macaulay.

To let something happen, to admit; to concede
To acknowledge; to accept as true; to concede; to accede to an opinion

I allow, with Mrs. Grundy and most moralists, that Miss Newcome's conduct . . . was highly reprehensible. — William Makepeace Thackeray.

attendance allowance
A sum of money paid to someone to cover the expense of attending a meeting etc. away from home
seam allowance
The part of the material or fabric added to the dimensions of a sewing pattern outside the seam

Trim the seam allowances to between 1/4 in. and 1/2 in. Fold one seam allowance in toward the other and pin along the fold.

slotting allowance
A slotting fee, slotting allowance, pay-to-stay, or fixed trade spending is a fee charged to produce companies or manufacturers by supermarket distributors (retailers) in order to have their product placed on their shelves
{v} to permit, grant, pay to, abate, approve
slotting allowance
A fee paid by a manufacturer to a supermarket chain for shelf space for a new product; also referred to as the Stocking Allowance, Introductory Allowance, Shelf Fee or Street Money
grant as a discount or in exchange; "The camera store owner allowed me $50 on my old camera"
consent to, give permission; "She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband"; "I won't let the police search her basement"; "I cannot allow you to see your exam"
allow the other (baseball) team to score; "give up a run"
make a possibility or provide opportunity for; permit to be attainable or cause to remain; "This leaves no room for improvement"; "The evidence allows only one conclusion"; "allow for mistakes"; "leave lots of time for the trip"; "This procedure provides for lots of leeway"
afford possibility; "This problem admits of no solution"; "This short story allows of several different interpretations"
make it possible through a specific action or lack of action for something to happen; "This permits the water to rush in"; "This sealed door won't allow the water come into the basement"; "This will permit the rain to run off"
Recommended Daily Allowance
amount of vitamins and minerals recommended for consumption by the American Food and Drug Administration, RDA
To admit; to concede; to make allowance or abatement
To grant (something) as a deduction or an addition; esp. to abate or deduct
If someone is allowed to do something, it is all right for them to do it and they will not get into trouble. The children are not allowed to watch violent TV programmes The Government will allow them to advertise on radio and television They will be allowed home Smoking will not be allowed. = permit, let forbid
To grant (something) as a deduction or an addition; esp
{f} permit; enable
To own or acknowledge; to accept as true; to concede; to accede to an opinion; as, to allow a right; to allow a claim; to allow the truth of a proposition
give or assign a share of money or time to a particular person or cause; "I will earmark this money for your research"
allow or plan for a certain possibility; concede the truth or validity of something; "I allow for this possibility"; "The seamstress planned for 5% shrinkage after the first wash"
If you allow a particular length of time or a particular amount of something for a particular purpose, you include it in your planning. Please allow 28 days for delivery Allow about 75ml per six servings
let have; "grant permission"; "Mandela was allowed few visitors in prison"
To sanction; to invest; to intrust
Some people use Allow me to as a way of introducing something that they want to say or do. Allow me to introduce Dr Amberg. = permit me to
If one thing allows another thing to happen, the first thing creates the opportunity for the second thing to happen. The compromise will allow him to continue his free market reforms. an attempt to allow the Moslem majority a greater share of power She said this would allow more effective planning. = permit, let prevent
To praise; to approve of; hence, to sanction
To take into account by making an allowance
grant as a discount or in exchange; "The camera store owner allowed me $50 on my old camera
To like; to be suited or pleased with
To grant, give, admit, accord, afford, or yield; to let one have; as, to allow a servant his liberty; to allow a free passage; to allow one day for rest
If you allow that something is true, you admit or agree that it is true. Warren also allows that capitalist development may, in its early stages, result in increased social inequality. = acknowledge
If you allow something to happen, you do not prevent it. He won't allow himself to fail If the soil is allowed to dry out the tree could die. = permit, let prevent
To grant license to; to permit; to consent to; as, to allow a son to be absent
If you are allowed something, you are given permission to have it or are given it. Gifts like chocolates or flowers are allowed He should be allowed the occasional treat. = permit forbid
To grant license to; to permit; to consent to
allow the presence of or allow (an activity) without opposing or prohibiting; "We don't allow dogs here"; "Children are not permitted beyond this point"; "We cannot tolerate smoking in the hospital"
to abate or deduct; as, to allow a sum for leakage
Allowances or benefits provide short term support for people who are unable to find employment, unable to work due to illness or injury, or undergoing special hardship •Social Security
The discounts (or premiums) allowed for grades or locations of a commodity lower (or higher) than the par or a basis grade or location specified in the futures contract; also called differentials
Allowances are given to customers for accepting quality or quantity reductions
amounts deducted from an invoice in return for prompt payment, large quantity purchase, special promotions etc of goods and services supplied See Discount
are amounts paid by employers to cover anticipated costs or as compensation for conditions of employment
An amount paid to an employee or agent under an arrangement in respect of expenses (excluding salaries and wages)
Budgets offered by builders of new homes for the purchase of carpeting and fixtures
Allowances are amounts paid by employers to cover anticipated costs or as compensation for conditions of employment
Allowances are those rates which are to be paid to or on behalf of participants to cover the cost of lodging, food, transportation, books, typing, equipment, professional memberships, and other miscellaneous training expenses USAID's allowance policy and rates are established by the Human Capacity Development Center and are set forth in ADS 253
Specific amount of money which has been agreed to by the buyer and seller of a property in the Sale Agreement to be applied toward the completion of certain repairs, improvements and/or purchase of major appliances, etc
A sum of money set aside in the construction contract for items which have not been selected and specified in the construction contract Best kept to a minimum number and used for items who's choice will not impact earlier stages of the construction For example, selection of tile as flooring may require an alternative framing or underlayment material
Budgets established in the contract for items to be selected by owner during construction, over which owner normally has sole control These allow signing of a fixed price contract before all owner selections have been finalized
reductions in price given to final consumers, customers, or channel members for doing "something" or accepting less of "something "
Current rewards other than base pay These can be provided as part of the employment contract (e g , transportation, housing, meals, telephone, travel, cost-of-living), or can be provided on a non-contractual basis or as intangible rewards (e g , trips abroad or training) See the Rewards & Incentives Web page
plural of allowance
Amounts in the budget to cover possible additional expenses for statutory pay increases, contingencies, and other requirements In congressional budget resolutions, allowances are a special functional classification In the President's budget, they also include amounts for possible additional proposals and for contingencies related to relatively uncontrollable programs
Allowances or discounts from the stated price can be given in return for certain actions on the part of the buyer It can take different forms such as: cents off, free cases, a percentage of sales, etc
Correct at 30 June 2002
The discounts (premiums) allowed for grades or locations of a commodity lower (higher) than the par (or basis) grade or location specified in the futures contract See Differentials
baggage allowance
{i} weight of baggage that each passenger is allowed free of charge on commercial transportation (mainly airplanes)
child allowance
weekly or monthly spending money given to a child
cost of allowance
addition to wages due to an increase in the cost of living
cost of living allowance
addition to a worker's salary after a rise in the cost of basic necessities
cost-of-living allowance
an allowance for changes in the consumer price index
daily allowance
amount of money given for a day's needs, daily pocket-money
depletion allowance
In tax law, the deductions from gross income allowed investors in exhaustible commodities (such as minerals, oil, or gas) for the depletion of the deposits. The depletion allowance is intended as an incentive to stimulate investment in this high-risk industry, though critics argue that mineral deposits are valuable enough to justify high levels of investment even without tax incentives. See also depreciation
depreciation allowance
sum deducted from the value of an asset due to depreciation
depreciation allowance
an allowance for loss due to depreciation
entertainment allowance
sum of money which covers the cost of entertainment (restaurants, movies, etc.)
family allowance
Introduced in 1945, a monthly payment given to the mother of every child under age 16 (changed to age 18 in 1973) and who, if of school age, was attending school The family allowance was also known as the 'baby bonus' It was the result of McKenzie King's fear of increasing popularity of socialist parties to protect the rising generation after the war, and to maintain purchasing power to avoid a post-war slump
family allowance
(Also referred to as Child Benefit or Child Allowance) A cash benefit provided to families based on the presence and number of children in the family The benefit may vary by the ordinal position of the child, the age of the child, the employment status of the parent Usually universal (not means- or income-tested), usually tax free, and usually not indexed but adjusted based on political decision
family allowance
government subsidy paid to a family for each child
family allowance
A small amount of money set aside from the estate of the deceased Its purpose is to provide for the surviving family members during the administration of the estate
family allowance
- A statute that allows the court to award to the surviving spouse and/or minor children some of the personal property of the deceased and a monthly cash allowance for their maintenance and support before any debts are paid or distribution made under a will or without a will
make allowance
show understanding
mileage allowance
An allowance or credit paid by a railroad to the owner of a railcar for the use of that railcar on the railroad system
mileage allowance
An allowance, based upon distance, that railroads give to shippers using private railcars
mileage allowance
The number of miles a leased vehicle can be driven under the terms of a lease without incurring additional charges
mileage allowance
An allowance paid to you by your employer for travelling It is based on the number of business miles you travel and is paid at a rate fixed by your employer
mileage allowance
Allowance based on mileage made by railroads to owners of privately owned freight cars
mileage allowance
The number of miles per year you're allowed to drive - usually 15,000 You're charged a fee if you drive more than that - usually 12 cents to 15 cents per mile If you drive less than your allowance, you may drive less than your allowance you may be entitled to cash or credit
mileage allowance
Mileage Allowance Lease agreements usually establish the average miles per year that the car may be driven during the lease This is often between 12,000 and 15,000 miles The lease contract also establishes the amount you'll have to pay for every mile driven over the allowance This mileage fee is usually 15 cents per mile You can often purchase additional miles at the start of the lease at a discounted rate If you're sure you're going to drive more than the number of miles allowed, then your best option is to negotiate for a higher allowance on the lease
personal allowance
the amount of money that you can earn each year before you must pay income tax
retirement allowance
compensation paid by an employer to an discharged employee, early pension
separation allowance
money awarded as payment for separation
subsistence allowance
financial support provided to the needy
trade allowance
(Ticaret) The allowance or refund given by a manufacturer to a retailer or distributor who participates in a sponsored advertising or promotion campaign
travel allowance
a sum allowed for travel
travel allowance
payment to cover expenses of an employee's trip, money to pay for travel expenses
Türkçe - İngilizce

allowance teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

tayın bedeli ration allowance (money given a soldier
in lieu of rations