allerdings (einschränkend)

listen to the pronunciation of allerdings (einschränkend)
İngilizce - Türkçe

allerdings (einschränkend) teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

-diği halde, ise de; -e rağmen/karşın: Though they know he's a fool, they still like him. Aptal olduğunu bilmelerine rağmen onu
conj. gerçi
(bağlaç) gerçi, olduğu halde, karşın, rağmen, olsa da, sa bile
her ne kadar, her ne halde

Jim ile hiç karşılaşmamış olmama karşın, ben hemen onu ayırt ederim. - Though I had never met Jim, I could pick him out right away.

Kaybolma ihtimalimize karşın, yönleri yazmayı düşündüm. - We thought we would write out the directions, in case you got lost.

-e rağmen
-e karşın
-diği halde
ise de

Gelmek için söz verdiği halde Bay Smith henüz dönmedi. - Mr Smith has not turned up yet though he promised to come.

Hava kötü olduğu halde geldi. - He came even though the weather was bad.

-se bile
herşeye rağmen
yine de

O, kötü havaya rağmen yine de geldi. - She came even though the weather was bad.

O, kötü havaya rağmen yine de geldi. - He came even though the weather was bad.


Fransızca öğrenmeye biraz ilgim var ama o zor değil mi? Hiç değil. İngilizceden 100 kat daha kolay! Gerçekten mi? Eh, en azından benim için öyle. Bunun nedeni senin ana dilin olması gerçi - I've got a bit of interest in learning French, but isn't it hard? Not at all. It's 100 times easier than English! Really? Well, at least to me it is. That's because you're native though

Gerçi onun büyük bir sorunu var. - She has a big problem, though.

olsa da

O diyette olsa da çikolatalı kek onu cezbetti. - The chocolate cake tempted her even though she was dieting.

Bu, isteğe bağlı olsa da hala ev ödevini yapman gerekiyor. - Even though it's optional, you should still do the homework.


Küçük ev, şimdiye kadar tıpkı altındaki kadar iyi olmasına rağmen,eski püskü görünmeye başladı. - The small house had come to look shabby, though it was just as good as ever underneath.

Fakir olmasına rağmen, o mutluydu. - Though he was poor, he was happy.

Almanca - İngilizce
If, that, even if

Walk on through the wind, / Walk on through the rain, / Though your dreams be tossed and blown.

Used to intensify statements or questions; indeed

Man, it's hot in here. — Isn't it, though?.

{n} grant, admit, be it so
{v} old verb in the imperative mode, ome correctly written tho; grant, admit, suppose
(postpositive) however; "it might be unpleasant, though
However; nevertheless; notwithstanding; used in familiar language, and in the middle or at the end of a sentence
Despite the fact that; although
You use though to introduce a subordinate clause which gives some information that is relevant to the main clause and weakens the force of what it is saying. I look back on it as the bloodiest winter of the war = although
You can say though I say so myself or even though I say it myself when you are praising yourself or something you have done, but do not want to sound too proud. I'm a good cook, though I say it myself
You use though to introduce a statement in a subordinate clause which contrasts with the statement in the main clause. You often use though to introduce a fact which you regard as less important than the fact in the main clause. Gaelic has been a dying language for many years, though children are nowadays taught it in school After news of this new court case Ford broke down again, though he blamed the breakdown on his work = although
Despite that; however
conj. despite, in spite of
despite the fact that; "even though she knew the answer, she did not respond"
as though: see as even though: see even
Granting, admitting, or supposing that; notwithstanding that; if
You use though to indicate that the information in a clause contrasts with or modifies information given in a previous sentence or sentences. I like him. Though he makes me angry sometimes
(postpositive) however; "it might be unpleasant, though"