
listen to the pronunciation of alleine
Almanca - Türkçe
'alaynı tek başına, yapayalnız
{'alaynı} tek başına, yapayalnız
tek başına
İngilizce - Türkçe

alleine teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı


Ormanda yalnız başına yaşadı. - He lived alone in the forest.

Yaşlı adam yalnız yaşıyor. - The old man lives alone.

Iet alone kendi haline bırakmak
yalnız tek başına
{s} yalnız; kimsesiz. z. yalnız, yalnız başına, tek başına
yalnız başına

Tom bu işi yalnız başına yapabilir. - Tom can do this work alone.

İş onun tarafından yalnız başına mı yapıldı. - Was the work done by him alone?

{s} kimsesiz

Ben gidersem kimsesiz olacaksın. - If I go, you'll be all alone.

bir başına
meşgul olmamak
on your own
(Askeri) kendi başınıza

Böyle kendi başınıza gitmenizden hoşlanmıyorum. - I don't like you going off on your own like this.

Şimdi kendi başınızasınız. - You're on your own now.

on your own
(Askeri) kendi hesabınıza

Şu anda, Tom sadece yalnız bırakılmayı istiyor. - Right now, Tom just wants to be left alone.

Lütfen sadece beni yalnız bırakın. Düşünmek istiyorum. - Please just leave me alone. I want to think.

on your own
kendi kendine
tek başına

Her şahıs tek başına veya başkalarıyla birlikte mal ve mülk sahibi olma hakkına sahiptir. - Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.

Tek başına yaşıyordu. - She is used to living alone.

Almanca - İngilizce
on your own
alleine (zu einer Party) gehen
to go stag (to a party)
alleine deswegen
ipso facto
alleine gelassen werden
to be left on your own
alleine lassen
to leave somebody high and dry
alleine oder in Begleitung reisen
to travel alone or with an escort
(Schon) alleine die Tatsache, dass jemand der Feind deines Feindes ist, macht ih
The enemy of your enemy may be ipso facto a friend
Das Haus gehört nicht ihr alleine, sondern auch ihrem Mann.
The house belongs not just to her, but to her husband as well
Das Wissen alleine, dass diese Probleme bestehen, ist aber zu wenig.
Being aware of these problems is, however, not enough
Das ist ganz alleine deine Schuld! Es ist alles deine Schuld!
It's all your own fault
Du kannst das Kind getrost alleine lassen.
You need have no qualms about leaving the child on its own
Du kannst nicht verlangen, dass er alles alleine macht.
You can't expect him to do it all on his own
Es schaltet sich von selbst/von alleine aus.
It switches off by itself
Es schaltet sich von selbst/von alleine aus.
It switches off of its own accord
Es war nicht sehr gescheit, es alleine zu machen.
It wasn't very sensible to do it on your own
Ich bin nicht besonders hungrig, also koche bitte nicht für mich alleine.
I'm not very hungry, so please don't cook on my account
Ich lebe schon seit vier Jahren ganz alleine.
I've been living all on my own for four years now
Ich schaffe es schon alleine, danke.
I can manage on my own, thanks
Lassen Sie unter keinen Umständen die Kinder alleine.
Do not, under any circumstances, leave the children alone
Lassen Sie unter keinen Umständen die Kinder alleine.
Under no circumstances are you to leave the children alone
Mit dieser Meinung stehst du alleine (auf weiter Flur) da.
You're on your own with that view
Sie sah sehr verletzlich aus, als sie so alleine dastand.
She looked very vulnerable standing there on her own
Sie schafft das alleine. Du brauchst dich nicht darum zu kümmern.
She can handle that alone. There's no need for you to concern yourself
Sie wollte unbedingt mit mir alleine sprechen.
She was most anxious to speak to me alone
Sie wären vielleicht auch alleine zurechtgekommen, aber darauf wollte ich es nic
They might have managed it all themselves, but I wasn't willing to take a chance on that
Wir haben strikte Anweisung, die Flüchtlinge nicht alleine zu lassen.
We are under strict orders not to leave the refugees alone
Wir möchten heute alleine etwas unternehmen.
Today, we want to get out and about on our own
auf sich alleine gestellt sein
to be on your own
die Frau, die die Leistung vollbrachte, alleine die Welt zu umsegeln
the woman who performed/accomplishd/achieved the feat of sailing around the world alone
im Ausland alleine zurechtkommen
to cope abroad on your own
von alleine (Sache)
of its/their own accord
von alleine (Sache)
by itself / by themselves