aldatıyor teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
- cheating
- Unsporting or underhand
- Unfaithful or adulterous
- An act of deception, fraud, trickery, imposture, or imposition
- A form of academic dishonesty Using unauthorized notes, or study aids, or information from another student or student's paper on an examination; altering a graded work after it has been returned, then submitting the work for re-grading; and allowing another person to use one's work and to submit the work under one's own name
- The term cheating refers to an act of fraud or deception by trying to increase your mark or result in an exam or assignment Quite often students understand the term's plagiarism and cheating to mean one and the same thing, but they are not Even so there is one thing that cheating and plagiarism share in common, this being the fact that Colleges or Universities condone neither
- When a dog avoids water, cover or obstacles enroute to or returning from an item to be retrieved
- present participle of cheat
- a deception for profit to yourself
- {i} act of defrauding by deceitful practice; deception
- violating accepted standards or rules; "a dirty fighter"; "used foul means to gain power"; "a nasty unsporting serve"; "fined for unsportsmanlike behavior"
- Cheating is the condition where strict form is ignored in order to get a few additional reps out of a set Examples of cheating would be forcibly swinging the upper body to help complete a standing bicep curl movement Cheating is not generally recommended, but in the absence of a spotter and with a smaller body part like the biceps, it can sometimes let you push yourself further
- not faithful to a spouse or lover; "adulterous husbands and wives"; "a two-timing boyfriend"
- the easy way out You can try and cheat, but if you get caught watch out
- sharing answers or coping another work
- The hand can be quicker than the eye, and this is used for all manner of sleight of hand It ranges from innocent parlour tricks to picking pockets, palming money when paying someone to card sharping while gambling When used to cheat at cards, a successful skill roll wins the match, a fumble reveals that the character was cheating If two cheats play against one another, the one with the best roll wins It is a Covert skill
- Cheating includes the submission of work prepared by someone else but passing it off as one's own, or copies the work or answers of another student Both plagiarism and cheating are treated very seriously by The University of Manitoba and students found guilty of such practices will be dealt with under the terms of the University Discipline By-Law (See "Plagiarism and Cheating", General Academic Regulations and Policy Section, General Calendar)
- aldat
- deceive
Thousands of people were deceived by the advertisement.
- Binlerce insan, reklam yüzünden aldatıldı.
I came to the conclusion that I had been deceived.
- Ben aldatılmış olduğum sonucuna vardım.
- aldat
- {f} beguiled
- aldat
- palter
- aldat
- {f} hoax
You're the victim of a hoax.
- Sen bir aldatmaca kurbanısın.
It was definitely a hoax.
- Bu kesinlikle bir aldatmacaydı.
- aldat
- cheat on
If you cheat on me again, I definitely won't forgive you.
- Beni bir daha aldatırsan seni kesinlikle affetmeyeceğim.
He knows how to cheat on his wife.
- Karısını nasıl aldatacağını bilir.
- aldat
- finagle
- aldat
- inveigle
- aldat
- befool
- aldat
- {f} deluding
Oh! I'm not deluding myself!
- Hay! Kendimi aldatmıyorum.
- aldat
- {f} spoof
- aldat
- {f} befooling
- aldat
- {f} cheat
It appears that my husband is cheating on me with my friend. I want to tell her: You thieving cat!.
- Bana öyle geliyor ki kocam beni arkadaşımla aldatıyor.Ona söylemek istiyorum:Sen kedi çalıyorsun!.
I just found out that my wife cheated on me.
- Az önce karımın beni aldattığını öğrendim.
- aldat
- {f} dupe
- aldat
- {f} paltering
- aldat
- delude
- aldat
- {f} trick
I shouldn't have tricked you.
- Seni aldatmamalıydım.
I shouldn't have tricked them.
- Onları aldatmamalıydım.
- aldat
- {f} beguiling
- aldat
- {f} cheating
Tom began to suspect that Mary was cheating on him.
- Tom Mary'nin onu aldattığından şüphelenmeye başladı.
Tom won't ever be able to forgive Mary for cheating on him.
- Tom onu aldattığı için asla Mary'yi affedemeyecek.
- aldat
- defraud
- aldat
- hoodwink
How could I hoodwink him?
- Onu nasıl aldatabilirim?
- aldat
- humbug