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İngilizce - İngilizce
An online feed reader, generally used for RSS or Atom feeds to keep track of updates to blogs, news sources, and other websites all on one page. Users can subscribe to the aggregator to receive feeds via email
Someone or something which aggregates
A person who collects things, collector
An Internet company that collects information about other companies' products and services and distributes it through a single website
Functionally identically to a publisher, but an aggregator is also a subscriber to numerous other sources which (in general) pre-filters and re-categorizes the resources it subscribes to
Enables buyers within a market to select among various competitors by aggregating information about the market and suppliers and providing this information via the website Aggregators may provide decision-support applications that integrate supplier information and third party information and with user requirements or preferences to allow users to differentiated services and features of the various competitors Content aggregators aggregate information and match it to user preferences
an object that is comprised of other objects (components) A'has-a' relationship exists between the aggregator object and its component (see component) objects For example, a polygon is an aggregator for its vertex objects (components) Synonym: container
A system or service that combines data or items with similar characteristics (geographic area, target market, size, etc ) into larger entities Value is derived from cost savings, or the ability to reach a larger market and charge higher prices from bundling multiple goods or services
A firm, licensed by the commission, that signs up a large group of consumers to bargain on their behalf for the lowest possible price for electricity The firm "aggregates" or combines many smaller customers into one large customer for purposes of negotiation It purchases the electricity for the group
An entity that puts together groups of customers into a buying group that purchases a commodity service The vertically integrated investor-owned utility, as well as municipal utilities and rural electric cooperatives, perform this function in today's power market Other entities, like buyer cooperatives or brokers, could perform this function in a restructured power market
A company who specializes in selling content from multiple sources via the Web Generally, the aggregator's site is focused on a particular subject matter Although aggregators are most common in the Scientific, Technical and Medical(STM) world, many are now popping up in other fields such as Libraries, Technology and Education
An aggregator collects information and serves as a central point of information for a variety of systems A financial aggregator might have consumer data from several banking and investment systems in one location There are also aggregators for other types of information: shopping prices, auctions, and so on
an entity responsible for planning, scheduling, accounting, billing and settlement for energy deliveries from the aggregator's portfolio of Sellers (generators, purchases) and/or Buyers (loads or sales)
This is a e-commerce business model in which the web site sells products or services which it does not produce or warehouse Rather, an Aggregator creates an environment where multiple providers (sellers) must compete on terms determined by the use
a person who collects things
An entity that assembles customers into a buying group for the purchase of a commodity service The vertically integrated investor-owned utility, municipal utilities and rural electric cooperatives perform this function in today's power market, and others, such as buyer cooperatives, power marketers, affinity groups, or brokers are performing this function in restructured power markets This is opposed to Marketer (see below) which will be defined as an entity that represents different suppliers See also Value-driven Aggregator
A Customer Service Provider that aggregates bills and bill summaries from Consolidators, Biller Service Providers and Billers for viewing by the Customer
A term used to describe any of a number of entities or organizations who will buy or broker electricity for a group of retail customers in a restructured electric industry Usually refers to a situation of retail competition, where a cooperative, private firm or other such organization would aggregate the demand of dispersed individual customers and buy or broker supplies on their behalf By analogy, one could call AT&T, MCI or Sprint long-distance telephone service "aggregators"
An independent entity that brings several subscribers together to form a group that can obtain long-distance services at reduced rates The Interexchange carrier bills subscribers The aggregator only provides the initial plan set-up
an entity that combines the needs of several smaller customers into a larger block of power in order to get a better price Co-ops have acted as aggregators for their members for more than 60 years Capacity: the amount of electricity for which a generating plant or transmission system is rated
Enables buyers within a market to select among various competitors by aggregating information about the market and its suppliers and providing this information via a Web site Aggregators may provide decision-support applications that integrate supplier information with third-party information and with user requirements or preferences to allow users to differentiate services and features of the various competitors Content aggregators aggregate information and match it to user preferences These preferences may be declared actively (user explicitly specifies) or passively (software discerns preferences from user behavior or interest) and are used to filter aggregated content and deliver only what matches user preferences
Any marketer, broker, public agency, city, county, or special district that combines the loads of multiple end-use customers in facilitating the sale and purchase of electric energy, transmission, and other services on behalf of these customers
Entity responsible for all aspects of energy delivery from its own portfolio of buyers and sellers Aggregators gather customers or generators to buy/sell bulk power, making a profit on the transaction
A non-utility entity that puts together customers (including direct customers) into a group for the purpose of obtaining electricity and/or natural gas supply for those customers but does not sell electricity or natural gas to those customers
An entity that puts together customers into a buying group for the purchase of a commodity service The vertically integrated investor owned utility, municipal utilities and rural electric cooperatives perform this function in today's power market Other entities such as buyer cooperatives or brokers could perform this function in a restructured power market This is opposed to marketer which will be defined as an entity that represents different suppliers
An independent entity that brings several subscribers together to form a group that can obtain long-distance service at a reduced rate Subscribers are billed by the original IXC The aggregator only provides the initial set-up of the plan He usually provides no service after that Different than a reseller
An entity that brings customers together to buy electricity in bulk in order to increase the customers' buying power An example of an aggregator might be a trade association (Aggregators are defined as ARES only when they sell electricity )
A firm that signs up a large group of consumers to bargain on their behalf for the lowest possible price for electricity The firm aggregates many smaller customers into one large customer for purposes of negotiation
An entity that organizes retail consumers into a purchasing group in order to receive better rates in a retail competition market The aggregation function is currently performed by whichever local utility provides distribution service Under retail competition, aggregation could be provided by the utility providing distribution services, distant utilities, for-profit corporations, non-profit entities, local governments, or neighborhood associations
One who aggregates
(Internet, Computers) computer that handles telephone calls through the Internet (collects incoming calls and directs them out through ISDN lines)
(Ticaret) A system or service that combines data or items with similar characteristics (geographic area, target market, size, etc.) into larger entities. Value is derived from cost savings, or the ability to reach a larger market and charge higher prices from bundling multiple goods or services
An online feed reader, generally used for RSS or Atom feeds to keep track of updates to blogs, news sources, and other websites
website aggregator
A website that consolidates information from a multitude of other websites (often by means of newsfeeds), allowing users to view all of the information in one place