afişle ilan et

listen to the pronunciation of afişle ilan et
Türkçe - İngilizce
A sheet of paper or cardboard with a written or printed announcement on one side for display in a public place
{i} poster, banner; public notice, announcement displayed in a public place
post in a public place
A control that displays information Typically placards are used in document windows as a way to quickly modify the view of the contentsfor example, to change the current page or the magnification
- signs posted on outside of trucks for quick identification of the type of material being transported
a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement; "a poster advertised the coming attractions"
Permission given by authority; a license; as, to give a placard to do something
To post placards upon or within; as, to placard a wall, to placard the city
An extra plate on the lower part of the breastplate or backplate
Similar to a label in that it pictorially illustrates the hazard class of material being shipped Is placed on the transport vehicle rather than on the material container
Sign affixed to a rail car or truck, indicating the hazardous designation of the product being transported in that vehicle
To affix a placard to
publicize or announce by placards
publicize or announce by placards post in a public place
Warning symbol of a square-on-point configuration mounted on each side and each end of a truck, rail car, or freight container which informs th epublic and emergency personnel of the hazardous nature of cargo, as specified in 49 CFR Part 172
To announce by placards; as, to placard a sale
A written or printed paper, as an advertisement or a declaration, posted, or to be posted, in a public place; a poster
A kind of stomacher, often adorned with jewels, worn in the fifteenth century and later
afişle ilan et