a relationship between profiles All individual profiles are related to (or affiliated with) an organization In a multi-office organization, all profiles for branch offices are affiliated with the main office In Profile Update, profile affiliations can be changed, removed, and added
an agreement (usually formal) between two or more otherwise independent entities or individuals that defines how they will relate to each other Affiliation agreements between hospitals may specify procedures for referring or transferring patients from one facility to another, joint faculty and/or medical staff appointments, teaching relationships, sharing of records or services, or provision of consultation between programs OHCA may or may not regulate an affiliation, depending on its nature
An arrangement between legally independent organizations through which they jointly conduct business activities In some cases, the affiliated organizations remain organizationally autonomous; in other cases, the organizations may be under common ownership or governance Affiliation agreements between hospitals may specify procedures for referring or transferring patients from one facility to another, joint faculty and/or medical staff appointments, teaching relationships, sharing of records or services, or provision of consultation between programs
An agreement (usually formal) between two or more otherwise independent entities or individuals which defines how they will relate to each other Affiliation agreements between hospitals may specify procedures for referring or transferring patients from one facility to another, joint faculty and/or medical staff appointments, teaching relationships, sharing of records or services, or provision of consultation between programs
Some people feel happiest when involved with other people (affiliated) in the workplace; some people prefer to be alone (unaffiliated or independent); and some people like to work with others - as long as they are in charge of everyone else (management) These preferences are covered by the Affiliation and Management meta program
This refers to the department in which the person is established as an employee It is the "home base" where a person will be primarily counted The affiliating department must know all UAB employee activity of its affiliates The affiliation account number must be a state account identified in Ledger 2 or Ledger 7 or an auxiliary account from Ledger 3 in the range from 318000 through 318999 A person may have only one affiliation at a time A person may be affiliated without having an assignment to the payroll
a social or business relationship; "a valuable financial affiliation"; "he was sorry he had to sever his ties with other members of the team"; "many close associations with England
the act of becoming formally connected or joined; "welcomed the affiliation of the research center with the university" a social or business relationship; "a valuable financial affiliation"; "he was sorry he had to sever his ties with other members of the team"; "many close associations with England
If you have an affiliation with a group or another person, you have a close or official connection with them. Johnson's affiliation with shoe company Nike They asked what her political affiliations were