(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) Bipolar bozukluk veya iki üçlü duygudurum bozukluğu, eskiden manik depresyon, manik atak veya manik depresif bozukluk olarak bilinen hastalıktır. Bipolar bozukluk, kişinin depresyon ve/veya mani, hipomani, ve/veya karışık durumlar geçirdiği duygudurum bozuklukları sınıfını tanımlayan tanısal kategoridir. Kişinin, depresif eğilimlerin yoğun yaşandığı dönemlerle, taşkınlık, coşkunluk olarak tanımlanabilecek mani dönemleri yaşadığı, bu bağlamda Bipolar Bozukluk ya da Manik Atak olarak tanımlanan bir rahatsızlıktır. DSM-İV adlı tanı ve istatistik kriteri ile teşhis konur
İngilizce - İngilizce
affective disorder teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
Any disorder that affects your mood (depression, bi-polar disorder, anxiety, panic)
Used in a general way to speak of any of the depressive illnesses It is a taxonomic term that does not capture the sadness and dread that are at the core of depression
A mental disorder characterized by a consistent, pervasive alteration in mood, and affecting thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Mental disorder characterized by dramatic changes or extremes of mood. Affective disorders may include manic or depressive episodes less severe than those of bipolar disorder. Symptoms include elevated, expansive, or irritable mood, with hyperactivity, pressured speech, and inflated self-esteem; and/or dejected mood, with lack of interest in life, sleep disturbances, agitation, and feelings of worthlessness or guilt
—A mental disorder involving abnormal moods and emotions; affective disorders primarily consist of depression for the data reported here
any mental disorder not caused by detectable organic abnormalities of the brain and in which a major disturbance of emotions is predominant
Seasonal affective disorder is a feeling of tiredness and sadness that some people have during the autumn and winter when there is very little sunshine. The abbreviation SAD is often used. A form of depression occurring at certain seasons of the year, especially when the individual has less exposure to sunlight. an illness that makes people feel sad and tired in winter, because there is not enough light from the sun = SAD. Cyclical depression occurring in winter, apparently caused by insufficient sunlight. It is most common in places at high latitudes and therefore with long winters and very short daylight hours. Symptoms can include all those of major depression, and there is a risk of suicide. The cause may be related to regulation of the body's temperature and hormones and may involve the pineal gland and melatonin. Exposure to intense full-spectrum light from a set of fluorescent bulbs in a light box with a diffusing screen has proved effective as treatment. Dawn simulation (exposure to low light levels in the final sleep period) and negative-ion therapy can also help
SADS, depression that recurs during the fall or winter months as the days grow shorter; syndrome characterised by depressions that repeat once a year at the same (usually during the fall or winter months)