adult stem cells differentiate into the required type of cell

listen to the pronunciation of adult stem cells differentiate into the required type of cell
İngilizce - Almanca
Adulte Stammzellen differenzieren/entwickeln sich zum gewünschten Zelltyp
adult stem cells differentiate into the required type of cell


    a·dult stem cells dif·fer·en·ti·ate in·to the re·quired type of cell

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    ıdʌlt stem selz dîfırenşieyt întı dhi rikwayrd tayp ıv sel


    /əˈdəlt ˈstem ˈselz ˌdəfərˈensʜēˌāt əntə ᴛʜē rēˈkwīrd ˈtīp əv ˈsel/ /əˈdʌlt ˈstɛm ˈsɛlz ˌdɪfɜrˈɛnʃiːˌeɪt ɪntə ðiː riːˈkwaɪrd ˈtaɪp əv ˈsɛl/