İsimler, zamirler, fiiller, sıfatlar, zarflar, makaleler, edatlar, bağlaçlar, ve ünlemler İngilizcede konuşma parçalarıdır.
- Nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, articles, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections are the parts of speech in English.
Bu sıfatların hepsi olumlu.
- These adjectives are all positive.
In fact, God is of not so much importance in Himself, but as the end towards which man tends. That irreverent person who said that Browning uses “God” as a pigment made an accurate criticism of his theology. In Browning, God is adjective to man.
adjective law.
The words “big” and “heavy” are English adjectives.