(Askeri) EMRE VERME, İDARİ BAĞLAMA: Bir şahıs veya birliğin, başka birliğe, bu teşkilin organik bir uzvu haline getirilmeksizin, sadece görev, iskan, iaşe maksadıyla geçici olarak verilmesi
A general term that refers to how well agents adhere to their schedules Can include both a) how much time they were available to take calls during their shifts, including the time spent handling calls and the time spent waiting for calls to arrive (also called Availability), and b) when they were available to take calls (also called Compliance or Adherence) See Occupancy
The state of being fixed in attachment; fidelity; steady attachment; adhesion; as, adherence to a party or to opinions
Adherence is the fact of adhering to a particular rule, agreement, or belief. strict adherence to the constitution. when someone behaves according to a particular rule, belief, principle etc adherence to