His inability to speak in front of an audience was his weakness.
She is an athlete who has a weakness for chocolate.
In a small number of horses, muscle weakness may progress to paralysis.
Tom is unable to do this.
- Tom bunu yapmaktan aciz.
Some speculators take advantage of the ignorance and helplessness of old people.
- Bazı spekülatörler yaşlı insanların cehalet ve acizliklerinden yararlanmaktadır.
Mary is incapable of expressing compassion.
- Mary merhamet ifade etmekten aciz.
Most people are incapable of verbalising their thoughts clearly.
- Çoğu insan düşüncelerini açıkça sözle ifade etmekten acizdir.
I don't like feeling so powerless.
- Çok aciz hissetmekten hoşlanmıyorum.