means the total amount of contributions in your Account at any point in time, adjusted for investment results and any administrative fees, is your Account balance
the difference between the increases (including the beginning balance) and decreases recorded in an account (p 90)
The members accrued benefit in the Fund This generally represents accumulated employer and member contributions, transfers and interest, less contribution tax, surcharge tax, administration fees and insurance premiums
- The amount remaining in an account after all additions and deductions have been recorded
The account balance represents the participant's share of the total value of the plan
the difference between total debits and total credits (including the beginning balance) for an account (p 86)
the current account balance includes international purchases and sales of goods and services, cross-border interest and dividend payments, and cross-border gifts to and from both private individuals and governments
The difference between (1) exports of goods and services plus inflows of unrequited official and private transfers and (2) imports of goods and services plus unrequited transfers to the rest of the world Included in this figure are all interest payments on external public and publicly guaranteed debt
One of the components of a country's balance of payments, the current account balance covers the imports and exports of goods and services The current account balance helps a country evaluate its competitive strengths and weaknesses and forecast the strength of its currency BACK TO TOP
The difference between the nation's total exports of goods, services, and transfers and its total imports of them Current account balance calculations exclude transactions in financial assets and liabilities