abschneiden der nachkommastellen

listen to the pronunciation of abschneiden der nachkommastellen
İngilizce - Türkçe

abschneiden der nachkommastellen teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

ucunu veya tepesini kesme
{i} tepesini kesme
{i} ucunu kesme
{i} kesme [(Bilgisayar) ]
Almanca - İngilizce
The act of truncating or shortening (in all senses)
The replacement of a solid angle by a plane (or a similar operation in other dimensions)
The removal of the least significant digits from a decimal number
{n} the act of lopping or maiming
the replacement of an edge or solid angle (as in cutting a gemstone) by a plane (especially by a plane that is equally inclined to the adjacent faces)
{i} act of shortening, act of cutting short; quality of being truncated; leaving out of unaccented syllables at the beginning or end of a line (Literature)
the act of cutting short; "it is an obvious truncation of the verse"; "they were sentenced to a truncation of their limbs" the replacement of an edge or solid angle (as in cutting a gemstone) by a plane (especially by a plane that is equally inclined to the adjacent faces)
The replacement of an edge or solid angle by a plane, especially when the plane is equally inclined to the adjoining faces
The act of truncating, lopping, or cutting off
the act of cutting short; "it is an obvious truncation of the verse"; "they were sentenced to a truncation of their limbs"
The state of being truncated
post decimal positions
fractional digits