
listen to the pronunciation of aberrancy
İngilizce - Türkçe
bozuk gelişim
{i} anormallik
deviance, abnormality, aberrancy
sapma, anormallik, sapıklık
İngilizce - İngilizce
Aberrance. A wandering or deviating from the right way; especially, a deviation from truth or rectitude

In some cases this fissure extends to the petals of the flowers, and changes them in a way quite analogous to the aberrancy of the leaves.

a state or condition markedly different from the norm
State of being aberrant; a wandering from the right way; deviation from truth, rectitude, etc
Variant of aberrance. A wandering or deviating from the right way; especially, a deviation from truth or rectitude
{i} wandering from the correct path, going astray; deviation from what is normal, abnormality