a viking

listen to the pronunciation of a viking
İngilizce - Türkçe

a viking teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

{i} İskandinav
{i} Norveçli
{i} viking
(Askeri) VIKING: Uçak gemilerinde görev yapma kabiliyetine sahip, çok mürettebatlı, çift turbo fan metotlu deniz altılara karşı kullanılan bir uçak. Bilgisayar kontrollü birleşik bir taarruz sistemi ve çeşitli konvansiyonel ve/veya nükleer cephane kullanılarak denizaltıları tespit etmek, yerini tespit etmek ve imha etmek üzere tasarlanmıştır. S-3 olarak anılır
(isim) viking
ortaçağda iskandinav savaşçısı
İngilizce - İngilizce

a viking teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

A barbarian character with helmets adorned with horns or wings
One of the Scandinavian seafaring warriors that raided (and then settled) the British Isles and other parts of Europe in the 8th to the 11th centuries
a Viking.
One of the Scandinavian seafaring warriors that raided (and then settled) the British Isles and other parts of Europe in the 8th to 11th centuries
The Vikings were men who sailed from Scandinavia and attacked villages in most parts of north-western Europe from the 8th to the 11th centuries. a member of the group of Scandinavian people who sailed in ships to attack areas along the coasts of northern and western Europe from the 8th to 11th centuries (vikingr, perhaps from vik or from wic ). Either of two unmanned U.S. spacecraft launched by NASA in 1975. After nearly yearlong journeys, Vikings 1 and 2 entered orbits around Mars and released landers that touched down on the planet and relayed measurements of properties of its atmosphere and soil, as well as colour photographs of its surface. Experiments designed to detect evidence of living organisms provided no convincing evidence of life on the surface. The orbiters transmitted photographs of large expanses of the Martian surface. or Norseman Member of the Scandinavian seafaring warriors who raided and colonized wide areas of Europe from the 9th to the 11th century. Overpopulation at home, ease of conquest abroad, and their extraordinary capacity as shipbuilders and sailors inspired their adventures. In 865 Vikings conquered East Anglia, Northumbria, and much of Mercia. Wessex under Alfred the Great made a truce in 878 that led to Danish control of much of England. Alfred defeated fresh Viking armies (892-899), and his son continued his reconquest, recovering lands in Mercia and East Anglia by 924; Viking Northumbria fell in 954. Renewed raids in 980 brought England into the empire of Canute, and it remained as such until 1042, when native rule was restored.The Vikings permanently affected English social structure, dialect, and names. In the western seas, Vikings had settled in Iceland by 900, whence they traveled to Greenland and North America. They invaded Ireland in 795, establishing kingdoms at Dublin, Limerick, and Waterford. The Battle of Clontarf (1014) ended the threat of Scandinavian rule. France suffered periodic Viking raids but no domination. In Russia Vikings briefly dominated Novgorod, Kiev, and other centres, but they were quickly absorbed by the Slav population. As traders they made commercial treaties with the Byzantines (912, 945), and they served as mercenaries in Constantinople. Viking activity ended in the 11th century
1883 G Stephens Bugge's Stud Northern Mythol Exam 15 *Wikingship began to be felt as an unbearable curse
A NASA space probe that gave us the first close look at Mars Viking was made up of an Orbiter and a Lander, which was sent down to Mars to study the Martian soil and atmosphere
One belonging to the pirate crews from among the Northmen, who plundered the coasts of Europe in the eighth, ninth, and tenth centuries
– Any of the Scandinavian sea rovers and raiders who ravaged the coasts of Europe from the 8th to 10th centuries
any of the Scandinavian people who raided the coasts of Europe from the 8th to the 11th centuries
Víkingur - Scandinavian word used to describe the seafaring raiders from Norway, Sweden and Denmark who ravaged the coasts of Europe after 800 AD The etymology of the word is disputed; in use it signified "pirate " The noun víking means "pirate raid " The word is now used (incorrectly) to describe all the peoples of Scandinavia and their settlements
Any of the seafaring Scandinavian peoples who plundered the coasts of northern and western Europe from the eighth through the tenth centuries
Noun (Plural: Vikings) Members of an ancient Scandinavian race which invaded the northern part of England in the late first millennium
{i} one of the Scandinavian seagoing peoples that raided the northwestern European coast in the 8th-10th centuries
Türkçe - İngilizce

a viking teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

a viking