a vested interest

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vested interest
a special interest in protecting whatever is to one's own advantage

Mr Yates conceded: These cases are very difficult to prove because they are bargains made in secret. Both parties have an absolute vested interest in those secrets coming out..

vested interest
a fixed right granted to an employee, especially under a pension plan
vested interest
a right or title that can be conveyed
vested interest
- An interest in which there is a present fixed right in real or personal property although the right of possession and enjoyment may be postponed until some future date or until the happening of some event
vested interest
groups that seek to control a social system or activity from which they derive private benefit (law) an interest in which there is a fixed right to present or future enjoyment and that can be conveyed to another
vested interest
(law) an interest in which there is a fixed right to present or future enjoyment and that can be conveyed to another
vested interest
Interest now in being, as opposed to interest anticipated It is a term frequently used with regard to the title of goods or land Property is said to vest when the absolute owner is finally established and that owner's interest is in no way capable of being terminated by anyone but that owner
vested interest
If you have a vested interest in something, you have a very strong reason for acting in a particular way, for example to protect your money, power, or reputation. The administration has no vested interest in proving whether public schools were good or bad
vested interest
A person or group that has an economic or ideological stake in the legislative and regulatory actions of government Sometimes called a "special interest," "economic interest," or "moneyed interest " "Think of the [congressional] committee and you can think of the interest group or the company that will have an interest " -- former U S Rep Eric Fingerhut (D-Ohio)
vested interest
title law, right of possession, tenure
vested interest
phrase personal reason, utlerior reason, secondary reason
vested interest
From a legal standpoint, a vested interest is an interest in something that is certain to occur as opposed to being contingent on an event that might not happen Thus, a vested interest refers to a present fixed right of future use or enjoyment
vested interest
a legal claim or right to the present or future enjoyment of real property
vested interest
groups that seek to control a social system or activity from which they derive private benefit
vested interest
A fixed or determined interest in property
a vested interest


    a vest·ed in·ter·est

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    ı vestıd întrıst


    /ə ˈvestəd ˈəntrəst/ /ə ˈvɛstəd ˈɪntrəst/