a press which prints on continuous rolls or paper rather than separate sheets

listen to the pronunciation of a press which prints on continuous rolls or paper rather than separate sheets
İngilizce - İngilizce
web press
a press which prints on continuous rolls or paper rather than separate sheets


    a Press which prints on con·ti·nu·ous rolls or pa·per rath·er than sep·a·rate sheets

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    ı pres hwîç prînts ôn kıntînyuıs rōlz ır peypır rädhır dhın seprıt şits


    /ə ˈpres ˈhwəʧ ˈprənts ˈôn kənˈtənyo͞oəs ˈrōlz ər ˈpāpər ˈraᴛʜər ᴛʜən ˈseprət ˈsʜēts/ /ə ˈprɛs ˈhwɪʧ ˈprɪnts ˈɔːn kənˈtɪnjuːəs ˈroʊlz ɜr ˈpeɪpɜr ˈræðɜr ðən ˈsɛprət ˈʃiːts/