a port city in eastern mozambique on the mozambique channel

listen to the pronunciation of a port city in eastern mozambique on the mozambique channel
İngilizce - İngilizce
a port city in eastern mozambique on the mozambique channel


    a port Ci·ty in east·ern Mo·zam·bique on the Mo·zam·bique Chan·nel

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    ı pôrt sîti în istırn mōzämbik ôn dhi mōzämbik çänıl


    /ə ˈpôrt ˈsətē ən ˈēstərn ˌmōzamˈbēk ˈôn ᴛʜē ˌmōzamˈbēk ˈʧanəl/ /ə ˈpɔːrt ˈsɪtiː ɪn ˈiːstɜrn ˌmoʊzæmˈbiːk ˈɔːn ðiː ˌmoʊzæmˈbiːk ˈʧænəl/