a person who is obsessed with every trivial detail

listen to the pronunciation of a person who is obsessed with every trivial detail
İngilizce - İngilizce
a person who is obsessed with every trivial detail


    a per·son who I·s obsessed with eve·ry tri·vi·al de·tail

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    ı pırsın hu îz ıbsest wîdh evri trîviıl dîteyl


    /ə ˈpərsən ˈho͞o əz əbˈsest wəᴛʜ ˈevrē ˈtrəvēəl dəˈtāl/ /ə ˈpɜrsən ˈhuː ɪz əbˈsɛst wɪð ˈɛvriː ˈtrɪviːəl dɪˈteɪl/