(Askeri) İLERİ HAT, CEPHE HATTI: Herhangi bir taktik durumda en çok ilerleyen birliklerin teşkil ettiği hat. Buna (line of battle) ve kısaca (line) da denir
A levels are British educational qualifications which schoolchildren take when they are seventeen or eighteen years old. People usually need A levels if they want to go to university in Britain. He left school with four A levels. Advanced level an examination that students in England and Wales take, usually when they are 18 A/S level, GCSE GCSE, GNVQ GNVQ, O level O level do/take (your) A levels
Referring to an audio signal that has a much lower strength than line level Usually it is the microphone level signals, although it can be referring to line level signals if they are being compared to speaker level
Pertaining to the 'coal face', 'shop floor', 'grass roots'or 'OPERATIONAL', as opposed to HIGH LEVEL or STRATEGIC For CONSULTANTS this is the boring end of SERVICE DELIVERY, as you might encounter patients, users, customers, patrons, etc who complain that your new BUSINESS MODEL doesn't work Also used to imply that matters are unimportant and is thus used as bluffery by GATEKEEPERS who want to deflect pesky reporters or investigators who are near the BOTTOM of an ISSUE and are asking specific, tricky and incriminating questions, as in 'it's only low-level, there's nothing interesting here for you, please run off' (Added December 2002)