a diminutive of the female given name elizabeth

listen to the pronunciation of a diminutive of the female given name elizabeth
İngilizce - İngilizce

Well, Bette, I married you as Bess and I've always liked that name. It's a name you don't hear very often; it's a strong name like you. Every time I call you Bette I'm afraid somebody else might answer..


Liz. That doesn't sound like your name, wildcat. It is far too hard and brittle. She shrugged. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but that is my name. Elizabeth is too stuffy, Beth is too soft, so Liz it is..


People in the last century weren't afraid of homely names; now we are all so smart and fine: no more Lady Bettys now.

a diminutive of the female given name elizabeth


    a di·mi·nu·tive of the fe·male giv·en name E·liz·a·beth

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    ı dîmînyıtîv ıv dhi fimeyl gîvın neym îlîzıbıth


    /ə dəˈmənyətəv əv ᴛʜē ˈfēˌmāl ˈgəvən ˈnām əˈləzəbəᴛʜ/ /ə dɪˈmɪnjətɪv əv ðiː ˈfiːˌmeɪl ˈɡɪvən ˈneɪm ɪˈlɪzəbəθ/