a combining denoting a nerve, of or pertaining to a nerve or the nervous system

listen to the pronunciation of a combining denoting a nerve, of or pertaining to a nerve or the nervous system
İngilizce - Türkçe

a combining denoting a nerve, of or pertaining to a nerve or the nervous system teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı


Bu insan beyninde kaç nöron var? - How many neurons are there in this human brain?

Beyinde yaklaşık yüz milyar nöron vardır. - In the brain there are around one hundred billion neurons.

(Tıp) Sinirlere ait, nevro (nöro)
İngilizce - İngilizce
a combining denoting a nerve, of or pertaining to a nerve or the nervous system


    a com·bin·ing de·not·ing a nerve, of or pertaining to a nerve or the nerv·ous sys·tem
