
listen to the pronunciation of a-wire
İngilizce - Türkçe

a-wire teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

{f} telle bağlamak
{f} tel takmak
{f} telle çevirmek
{i} tel

Telgrafla bana tebriklerini iletti. - He sent me his congratulations by wire.

Kuklalar teller ile çalışır. - Puppets work with wires.

{i} kablo

O kabloya dokunursan, şok geçirirsin. - If you touch that wire, you'll get a shock.

Telefon kablosunun üzerindeki kuşu görüyor musun? - Do you see the bird on the telephone wire?

{i} telgraf

Kaza olması durumunda bana hemen telgraf çek. - Wire me at once, in case there should be an accident.

Telgrafla bana tebriklerini iletti. - He sent me his congratulations by wire.

conducting wire
iletken tel
down to the wire
{k} son ana kadar: They worked right down to the wire. Son ana kadar çalıştılar
live wire
cereyanlı tel
wire mesh
tel örgü
aerial wire
havai hat
assault wire
(Askeri) hücum kablosu
bank wire
banka havalesi
bare wire
çıplak tel
bead wire
(Otomotiv) damak teli
binding wire
bağlama teli
brush wire
fırça teli
earth wire
topraklama kablosu
fence wire
çit teli
field wire
(Askeri) sahra kablosu
flat wire
(Elektrik, Elektronik) yassı tel
four wire circuit
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) dört telli devre
ground wire
(Elektrik, Elektronik) topraklama teli
guide wire
kılavuz teli
guide wire
kılavuz tel
guy wire
takviye kablosu
live wire
(Bilgisayar) yanan tel
live wire
(Bilgisayar) çıplak tel
live wire
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) üzerinde gerilim olan tel
live wire
akımlı tel
mesh wire
tel örgü
open wire
çıplak tel
return wire
elektrik nötr teli
return wire
dönüş teli
tie wire
bağ teli

Telefon kablosunun üzerindeki kuşu görüyor musun? - Do you see the bird on the telephone wire?

Birçok kütüphane, kablosuz yerel alan ağını da sağlar. - Many libraries also provide wireless local area network.

elektrik hatlarını döşemek
telgrafla bildirmek
elektrik tesisatı döşemek
mühür teli
(Matbaacılık, Basımcılık) elek

Kuvvetli rüzgar farklı yerlerde elektrik tellerini kesti. - The strong wind cut the electric wires in several places.

Kablolar elektrik iletmek için kullanılır. - Wires are used to convey electricity.

telgraf sistemi
elektrik tesisatını kurmak
telgrafla gönderilen mesaj
wire bush
tel fırça
wire cage
(Denizbilim) tel kafes
wire coil
tel spirali
wire coil
tel kangalı
wire core
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) tel göbek
wire feed
(Bilgisayar) tel beslemesi
wire fraud
elektronik sahtekarlık
wire fraud
elektronik dolandırıcılık
wire hoop
tel halka
wire lath
sıva teli
wire lock
(Havacılık) emniyet teliyle bağlamak
wire lock
(Havacılık) emniyetlemek
wire loop
(Otomotiv) kablo bağlantısı
wire loop
(Otomotiv) kablo devresi
wire mesh
(İnşaat) hasır tel
wire net
(Otomotiv,Teknik) tel kafes
wire rod
wire roll
(Askeri) kangal tel engeli
wire saw
tel kesici
wire saw
tel testere
wire saw
tel kesme makinesi
wire spool
(Askeri) tel makarası
wire stop
kablolu dayanak
wire trap
wire up
şebekeye bağlamak
wire up
tellerle bağlamak
wire up
kablolarla bağlamak
wire up
wire whip
(Gıda) çırpma teli
wire wrap
tel sargı
zinc wire
çinko tel
acetate wire
asetat teli
annealed wire
tavlı tel
antenna wire
anten teli
barbed wire
dikenli tel

Benim ceket dikenli tel üzerinde bir diken üzerinde yakalandı. - My coat got caught on a barb on the barbed wire.

Bina dikenli tel çitle çevrilmiş. - The building is surrounded by a barbed wire fence.

battery wire
batarya teli
binding wire
bağ teli
bridge wire detonator
köprülü kapsül
c wire
c teli
coil wire
bobinaj teli
cold drawn steel wire
soğuk çekilmiş çelik tel
conducting wire
nakil teli
connection wire
bağlantı kablosu
copper wire
bakır tel
dead wire
ölü tel
dielectric wire
dielektrik tel
distributor wire tower
distribütör kulesi
down to the wire
son dakikaya kadar
electric wire
çıngı teli
fence wire
parmaklık teli
fuse wire
sigorta teli
ground wire
toprak teli
guard wire
koruma teli
guy wire
germe teli
hot wire
kızgın tel
hot wire ammeter
kızgın telli ampermetre
hot wire analyzer
sıcak telli analizör
hot wire anemometer
sıcak telli anemometre
hot wire instrument
ısıl aygıt
hot wire meter
kızgın telli sayaç
hot wire microphone
ısıl mikrofon
hot wire relay
kızgın telli röle
hot wire test
sıcak tel deneyi
ignition wire
ateşleme kablosu
insulated wire
izoleli tel
kanthal wire
kanthal teli
lead wire
kurşun tel
lifting wire
live wire
çıngılı tel
live wire
elektrikli tel
long wire
uzun kablo
magnet wire
bobin teli
magnetic wire
manyetik tel
magnetic wire store
manyetik tel bellek
metal wire
metal tel
rope wire
halat teli
seal wire
sızdırmazlık teli
slide wire
sürgü teli
steel wire
çelik tel
stranded wire
bükülü tel
telephone wire
telefon teli
trolley wire
troley teli
iki telli
under the wire
son dakikada
under the wire
zar zor
{f} telle bağla
çıngı teli bağlamak
telgraf göndermek
wire cloth
tel örgü
wire gauge
kablo ölçeği
wire recorder
manyetik kaydedici
wire service
haber servisi
wire suture
tel dikiş
dikenli tel
by wire
tel tarafından
Kümes teli
cross wire
çapraz tel
down to wire
aşağı tel
get wire to so.
bu yüzden tel olsun
glow wire
akkor tel
hay wire
hay tel
yüksek tel
magnetic wire storage
manyetik tel depolama
of wire
piano wire
piyano teli
plated wire storage
kaplı tel depolama
razor wire
1.jiletli tel; stratejik değere sahip tesis ve bölgelerin güvenliğinin sağlanması amacıyla üretilen ve kullanılan üzerinde jiletler bulunan tel
round wire
yuvarlak tel
saw wire
tel gördüm
solder coated wire
lehim kaplı tel
stranded copper wire
bükülü bakır tel
trip-wire mine
trip-tel mayını
twisted wire
bükülü kablo, örülmüş kablo
two-wire circuit
iki telli devre
under the wire
zar zor/son dakikada
wire bonding
tel bağlama
wire cloth
tel kumaş
wire cutter
tel makası
wire erosion
tel erozyon
wire fuse
telli sigorta
wire gauze
tel örgü, süzgeç teli
wire mark
tel işareti
wire mask
tel maske
wire mesh
(İnşaat) Kum teli
wire radio
tel radyo
wire ropes
wire saw
(Madencilik) Tel kesme
wire spring
tel yay
wire straightener
tel düzeltme makinesi
wire strainer
tel örmeli süzgeç
wire strands
kablo tellerini
wire stripper
kablo soyucu
wire tap
telefon dinlemek
wire transfer
Elektronik gönderim ya da bir bankadan diğerine paranın transferi
wire whisk
Tel çırpıcı
tel örgü
İngilizce - İngilizce

a-wire teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

American wire gauge
A standard for the measurement of the diameter of wire, especially of non-ferrous, electrically conducting wire
French wire
Fine wire of silver or other metal wound into a flexible coil, used for finishing beaded jewelry
barbed wire
twisted strands of steel wire, often coated with zinc, having barbs evenly spaced along them; used to construct agricultural and military fences
cheese wire
A wire which is sufficiently strong, yet fine enough to cut through cheese easily. Normally with either a wooden handle at each end, or fixed to a board at one end, with a wooden handle at the other
chicken wire
a type of such material, differentiated by material, coating, wire thickness, width, and mesh size
chicken wire
a mesh of wire, usually galvanized, with a hexagonal pattern, generally used for making fences, especially for enclosures for small farm animals and pets

You'll recall that normally any old hen had sense enough not to run or fly into a chicken wire fence, but the same old hen at the sight of a hawk would lose all judgment about fences, and plunge headlong into it..

conducting wire
Any metal wire used to carry electricity over a short or long distance
down to the wire
At the very end of a process or project, especially one with a fast-approaching deadline

He was almost done with the paper, but tomorrow's due date meant it would be down to the wire.

enameled wire
Wire insulated with a thin baked-on varnish enamel, used in electric coils to allow the maximum number of turns in a given space
A metal guy rope used to stabilize a tall structure (such as a radio mast)
To make a pattern of behaviour automatic
To implement a feature in hardware rather than in software so that it cannot easily be changed
To connect components by means of permanent electrical wires
To start an automobile engine by circumventing the ignition key wiring
live wire
An electrical wire through which there is a flow of electrical current

Two boys got electrocuted when a live wire fell on the auto-rickshaw in which they were sitting.

live wire
An especially energetic, alert, or vivacious person

She was irresistible—a laughing, chattering live wire, never at a loss for a word.

Alternative spelling of live wire
magnesium wire
wire made from an alloy of magnesium and other metals
magnesium wire
a thin magnesium ribbon
page wire
Wire that is knotted into rectangles to create a continuous mesh, a page wire fence, usually used to enclose animals like sheep, goats, or cows
razor wire
A form of securing wire similar to barbed wire, but with a series of short blades instead of barbs. Also, a length thereof

Don’t believe the lie of Guitar Hero III; it’s actually the fourth title in the series, the third being Rocks the 80s, which I haven’t played, but the day I fork out seventy bucks for an expansion pack is the day I swallow razor wire, pull the end out of my arse, and floss myself to death.

trip over the wire
To make a mistake

I tripped over the wire when modifying the source code of a computer program because the unusual code that I straightened out was intentionally put in place.

under the wire
At the last minute; before the deadline; barely on time; nearly late

Russians had heard rumors, and foreign correspondents had obtained confirmation, that the Dictator will soon drastically tighten up proverbially loose Bolshevik divorce laws. In a panic to get in under the wire, every Moscow mate who has recently thought of divorce was last week jamming the official bureaus.

under the wire
Across the finish line

Lying forward flattened along Sunfish's hard-muscled shoulders, Bud was gaining and gaining—one length, then two lengths as he shot under the wire, slowed and rode back to find a silent crowd watching him.

To equip with wires for use with electricity
A hidden listening device on the person of an undercover operative for the purposes of obtaining incriminating spoken evidence
A piece of such material; a thread or slender rod of metal, a cable
A deadline or critical endpoint

This election is going to go right to the wire.

To fasten with wire, especially with reference to wine bottles, corks, or fencing

I could see him in his plane flying low over the river or a reservoir, dropping the club out with a chunk of lead wired to the shaft.

To install eavesdropping equipment

We wired the suspect's house.

A fence made of usually barbed wire
To string on a wire

wire beads.

A telecommunication wire or cable; hence, an electric telegraph; a telegram
Metal formed into a thin, even thread, now usually by being drawn through a hole in a steel die
To make someone tense or psyched-up

I'm never going to sleep – I'm completely wired from all that coffee.

A metal conductor that carries electricity
A finish line of a racetrack
To send a message or a money value to another person through a telecommunications system, formerly predominately by telegraph

Urgent: please wire me another 100 pounds sterling.

To add something into an electrical system by means of wiring; to incorporate or include something

I'll just wire your camera to the computer screen.

A wire strung with beads and hung horizontally above or near the table which is used to keep score
wire brush
a brush whose bristles are made of wire; used as an abrasive and on masonry etc
wire brushes
plural form of wire brush
wire cutters
A hand tool resembling pliers, intended for cutting wires
wire fox terrier
A breed of fox terrier having a coarse coat with a dense, wiry texture
wire fox terriers
plural form of wire fox terrier
wire fraud
A class of felonies, providing for a separate and additional federal penalty for any crime of fraud involving the use of electronic communications methods

The mail fraud statute and its counterpart, the wire fraud statute, historically have been powerful instruments for prosecutors.

wire fu
Term for the special effects enhanced martial arts seen in movies, especially those where wires are used to suspend the actors in physically impossible positions
wire gauze
Finely interwoven wire, resembling gauze
wire gauzes
plural form of wire gauze
wire netting
a hexagonal network of interwoven wire used in fencing; chicken wire
wire nettings
plural form of wire netting
wire recorder
A device for analogue audio storage made magnetically onto fine steel or stainless steel wire, introduced commercially after World War II primarily for office dictation
wire recorders
plural form of wire recorder
wire rope
A strong cable consisting of twisted strands of wire, generally intended for supporting heavy loads
wire speed
The speed at which a wire moves through a machine
wire speed
The (maximum) rate at which data can flow through a cable
wire speeds
plural form of wire speed
wire transfer
A transfer of funds between banks by electronic means
wire transfers
plural form of wire transfer
word on the wire
The rumour or news going around on the Internet, in business, on the street, or in social circles
A pulley system attached to cable or wire, in turn attached to two sturdy objects on an incline, used for transportation or leisure
{n} a metal drawn into small bars or threds
long-wire antenna
(Elektrik, Elektronik) An antenna that is a wavelength or longer at the operating frequency
razor wire
A sharp-edged wire used for fences and barriers
wire drawer
fig. A person who spins out a matter to extreme length or tenuousness
wire drawing
Draw out (metal) into wire
wire transfer
A wire transfer is a method of transferring funds from one entity to another. Wire transfers can be done by a simple bank account transfer, or by a transfer of cash at a cash office


    ... miles of copper wire on the high school football field. ...
    ... spool of wire, she gave it to my father, who then ran to the goal post, and we wound 22 ...