(scharfes) klopfen

listen to the pronunciation of (scharfes) klopfen
İngilizce - Türkçe

(scharfes) klopfen teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

{i} hafif vuruş
{i} kapı çalınması
hafifçe vuruş
rahat ve serbest bir şekilde konuşmak
{f} hafifçe vur

Kapıya hafifçe vurdu. - He gave a rap on the door.

şiddetle eleştirmek
Batı kaynaklı bir müzik türü
rap konuş/kız/vur
{i} argo suç, kabahat
(fiil) hafifçe vurmak, tıklatmak, çalmak (kapı), şiddetle eleştirmek, mahkum etmek, tutuklamak
take the rap argo suçu üstüne almak
{i} argo ceza
çarpmak beat the rap argo cezadan kurtulmak
zırnık/hafif vuruş
{i} tartışma
{f} hafifçe vurmak; tıklatmak
argo suçluluk
beraet etmek
{i} suçlama
Almanca - İngilizce
To strike something sharply with one's knuckles

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, ¶ Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, ¶ While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, ¶ As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. ¶ 'Tis some visitor, I muttered, tapping at my chamber door — ¶ Only this, and nothing more..

remote access to PVS (In REACT)
The Rapid Assessment Program of the Center for Applied Biodiversity Science at Conservation International
The only type of "music" more annoying than punk rock See "Run from Run DMC" for an example of what to do if confronted with it Generally performed by large men: If I (Charlie) were a rapper, I'd rap: "Rappers, 'dem rappers they're future CPAP'ers!"
voluble conversation
remedial action project
Rap music
Someone who raps performs rap music. the unexpected pleasure of hearing the Kids not only rap but even sing
make light, repeated taps on a surface; "he was tapping his fingers on the table impatiently"
genre of African-American music of the 1980s and 1990s in which rhyming lyrics are chanted to a musical accompaniment; several forms of rap have emerged voluble conversation a gentle blow talk volubly strike sharply; "rap him on the knuckles"
Rap is a type of music in which the words are not sung but are spoken in a rapid, rhythmic way. Her favorite music was by Run DMC, a rap group
A quick, smart blow; a knock
To hasten
Poetry with a beat It may or may not have a melody Rap music sprang from the hip hop culture, which initially consisted of graffiti, break dancing, DJ scratching, and rapping See Rap and Hip Hop
If you rap someone for something, you criticize or blame them for it. Water industry chiefs were rapped yesterday for failing their customers
Same as burner
January time for seizing unpaid-for cars
Regulatory Accounting Principles
a gentle blow