
listen to the pronunciation of (music)
İngilizce - Türkçe

(music) teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

{i} müzik

Justin Bieber müzik kariyerine başladığında on dört yaşındaydı. - When Justin Bieber started his music career, he was fourteen years old.

Trompet müzikal bir enstrümandır. - The trumpet is a musical instrument.

court music
Saray müziği, klasik müzik
face the music
(Fiili Deyim ) yaptığının sonucuna katlanmak
influence of music
müziğin etkisi
instrumental music
(Muzik) çalgı müziği
keen on music
modern music
(Muzik) çağdaş müzik
music appreciation
müzikte takdir
music appreciation
(Eğitim) müzik anlayışı
music cd
(Bilgisayar) müzik cd
music cd
(Bilgisayar) müzik cd'si
music files
(Bilgisayar) müzik dosyaları
music genre
müzik türü
music industry
müzik endüstrisi
music lessons
(Bilgisayar) müzik dersleri
music master
(Muzik) müzik öğretmeni
music notes
(Bilgisayar) müzik notaları
music player
müzik çalar
music program
(Bilgisayar) müzik programı
music room
müzik odası
music set
music stool
(Muzik) piyano sandalyesi
music taste
müzik zevki
music theory
müzik teorisi

Tom müzik teorisi okudu. - Tom studied music theory.

music therapy
müzik tedavisi
play music
çalgı çalmak
rock music
rock müzik
rock music
shared music
(Bilgisayar) paylaşılan müzik
sheet music
(Muzik) ciltlenmemiş notalar
sufi music
tasavvuf müziği
taste in music
müzik zevki
teacher of music
turkish art music
(Muzik) türk sanat müziği
turkish folk music
(Muzik) türk halk müziği
chamber music
oda müziği
church music
kilise müziği
classical music
klasik müzik
compose music
country music
country müzik

Ben country müzik dinliyorum. - I am listening to country music.

Mary, country müzikten hoşlanır. - Mary likes country music.

country music
kantri müzik

Tom kantri müzik yapmaya başlamadan önce bir caz gitaristiydi. - Tom was a jazz guitarist before he started playing country music.

danceroom music
dans salonu müziği
department of music
müzik bölümü
electronic music
çıncalık müzik
face the music
sonucuna katlanmak
face the music
ceremeyi çekmek
folk music
halk müziği

Tom halk müziği ile çok ilgileniyor. - Tom is very interested in folk music.

İrlanda halk müziğiyle çok ilgileniyorum. - I'm very interested in Irish folk music.

live music
canlı müzik
marching music
martial music
savaş şarkısı

Tom nota okumayı bilmiyordu. - Tom didn't know how to read music.

Tom notaları okuyamaz. - Tom can't read sheet music.

music box
music box
müzik kutusu

Halam benim ona İtalya'dan bir müzik kutusu almamı istedi. - My aunt asked me to buy her a music box from Italy.

Müzik Kutusu Tiyatrosunda ne oynuyor? - What's playing at the Music Box Theater?

music department
müzik bölümü
music director
müzik yönetmeni
music drama
müzikli dram
music hall
çalgılı ve içkili gazino
music hall
music lesson
müzik dersi
music school
müzik okulu

Dan prestijli bir müzik okuluna başladı. - Dan attended a prestigious music school.

Tom Boston'da bir müzik okulu açtı. - Tom opened a music school in Boston.

music set
müzik seti
music stand
nota sehpası
music stool
piyano iskemlesi
music teacher
müzik öğretmeni
polyphonic music
çoksesli müzik
polyphonic music
polifonik müzik
popular music
popüler müzik

Roger Miller'ın Dang Me'si Amerikan folk müziği fanatikleri arasında ve popüler müzik fanatikleri arasında da bir liste başıydı. O miyonlarca adet sattı. - Roger Miller's Dang Me was a hit with country music fans and with popular music fans too. It sold millions of copies.

Genellikle eğitimli insanlarda olduğu gibi o klasik müziği popüler müzikten daha çok seviyor. - As is often the case with educated people, he likes classical music better than popular music.

religious music
dini müzik

O, dini müzik dinler. - She listens to religious music.

school of music
müzik okulu
serious music
ciddi müzik
symphonic music
senfonik müzik
academy of music
müzik akademisi
art music
sanat müziği
becoming less or smaller music
daha az veya daha küçük müzik olma
composing music
müzik yazmak
country music
Amerikan folk müziği

Bu civarda bir sürü insan Amerikan folk müziğini sever. - A lot of people around here like country music.

Tom Amerikan folk müziği şarkıcısıydı. - Tom used to be a country music singer.

dance music
dans müziği

O bir dans müziği plağı aldı. - She has bought a record of dance music.

dictionary of music
müzik sözlüğü
early music
(Muzik) Avrupa klasik müziği
early music
(Muzik) Rönesans ve erken barok döneminin kendine özgü çalgılarıyla icra edilen müzüği
experimental music
deneysel müzik
festivals of music
müzik festivalleri
folk music
(Muzik) (Veya traditional music) Halk müziği
fourth tone of a scale (music)
Bir ölçek (müzik dördüncü tonu)
function of music
müzik işlevi
go in for music
müzik için gitmek
good ear for music
iyi bir müzik kulağı
listen to music
Müzik dinlemek
listening to music
müzik dinleme
make music
Müzik mi
marching music
marching music
müzik yürüyüş
mood music
mood müzik
music and effects track
müzik ve efekt bandı, sözsüz ses kuşağı
music band
Müzik grubu
music by ...
music centre
müzik seti
music engraving
müzik oyma
music fest
müzik ziyafeti
music library
müzik kütüphanesi
music master
müzik ustası
music on hold
beklemede müzik
music paper
nota kâğıdı
music scene
müzik dünyasında
music to my ears
(deyim) Tam duymak istediğim şey! Güzel haber!

When I heard the news it was music to my ears. It was exactly what I wanted to hear.

tiyatro - vodvil
müzik - müzikhol, içkili ve çalgılı gazino
oriental music
oryantal müzik
piece of music
müzik parçası
rap music
(Muzik) Rep müzik
sacred music
kutsal müzik
scenic music
doğal müzik
set something to music
set to music
the sound of music
müzik sesi
theatre of recorded music
tiyatro kayıtlı müzik
to face the music
müzik yüz
to play music
müzik çalmak için
to play rock music
rock müzik çalmak için
treatment by the use of music
müzik kullanımı ile tedavi
turkish art music
Türk sanat müziği, Türk sanat mûsîkisi
vocal music
vokal müzik
İngilizce - İngilizce

(music) teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

New Age music
A genre of music of a mystical nature, associated with New Age philosophies
New Age music
A genre of relaxing music with elements of world music
art music
Music composed with advanced structural and theoretical considerations, as opposed to folk music and pop music

as the invention of the grand piano opened up new possibilities for composers of European art music in the nineteenth century.

background music
Any music played in a public space whose main function is to create an atmosphere suitable to a specific occasion, rather than to be listened to
background music
Any music in a film, video game, or other medium that establishes mood and is not meant to have the audience's focus
ballet music
Music composed primarily to accompany a ballet performance
chamber music
A genre of classical music written for a small group of instruments
chin music
A fastball thrown near the batter's chin, often to set up a subsequent pitch thrown low and outside

Jones backed Smith off the plate with a little chin music.

classical music
Music of the classical period; the music of Mozart, Haydn, etc; the musical period before the romantic
classical music
The more serious forms of European and American music, as opposed to folk music, jazz or the many forms of popular music
country music
A style of music that originated in the folk music of the rural population of the southern and western United States. Characterized by twangy guitars, fiddles, banjos and simple melodies
country-western music
country music
dance music
Music composed to accompany social dancing
electronic body music
A genre of aggressive danceable music originating in the 1980s and taking elements from industrial and electronic music
elevator music
Bland, unoffensive music played as a background in elevators and shopping malls
face the music
to accept or confront the unpleasant consequences of one's actions
fill music
Music broadcast as an interlude between formally scheduled programming, or to fill in during an unscheduled interruption, in order to forestall listener abandonment of the station
folk music
contemporary music in the style of traditional folk music
folk music
any genre of music originating from the ethnic community of a specific region; often not recorded, but passed down orally
gospel music
A type of African American religious music based on folk music melodies with the addition of elements of negro spiritual and jazz
house music
A particular type of electronic dance music
house music
Music of this type
incidental music
Music that is played as a background to a film, television programme, video game, etc

The incidental music helped give the programme its evocative atmosphere.

Attributive form of incidental music, noun
industrial music
A noisy, experimental genre of music with transgressive themes that originated in the 1970s
intelligent dance music
A genre of experimental electronic music that combines elements of techno and dance music with complex rhythmic structures and atypical melodic patterns
lounge music
A style of music popular in the 1950s and 1960s, intended to evoke in the listener the feeling of being in some other place (an island paradise, outer space, etc.)
mouth music
The vocal imitation of instrumental music
A sound, or the study of such sounds, organized in time
A guide to playing or singing a particular tune; sheet music
Any pleasing or interesting sounds
music box
A box that generates or plays music, particularly one using mechanical means rather than electronic, generally using a cylinder or disk containing the music
music boxes
plural form of music box
music center
A place where music is performed or rehearsed
music centers
plural form of music center
music centre
An integrated home audio system
music centres
plural form of music centre
music chart
A ranking of music (songs, albums etc) according to popularity during a given period of time
music charts
plural form of music chart
music hall
A vaudeville or variety theater
music hall
An auditorium for concerts and musical entertainments
music notation
A system which represents aurally perceived music, through the use of written symbols
music room
A room in a school set aside for instruction in music
music school
A school whose main objective is teaching music
music stand
A stand, made for holding pages or books of sheet music
music stands
plural form of music stand
music theory
The field of study dealing with how music works
music therapies
plural form of music therapy
music to someone's ears
Some good news; a spoken expression or a sound which is pleasing; a welcome remark or information

We should aim for a lower ambition, Dannatt said. . . . Not what you might call music to his boss's ears.

music video
A motion picture produced to accompany a song, for promotional or artistic purposes
music videos
plural form of music video
pop music
Music intended for or accepted by a wide audience

Pop music, despite its commercial focus, includes many artistic gems.

popular music
Any genre of music that has a wide appeal amongst the general public of a society dominated by urban culture and advanced technology, especially music with less complexity than "classical music"
program music
A form of art music that attempts to convey a scene, image, or mood
punk music
punk rock
race music
Popular African-American music such as jazz and blues
rap music
A form of popular music emphasizing spoken rhymes over heavily rhythmic backing tracks
rock music
Any of various genres of popular music employing electrical amplification
serial music
music, especially from the 20th century, in which themes are based on a definite order of notes of an equal-tempered scale
set to music
To adapt a literary work by adding music (and often song)
sheet music
Handwritten or printed form of musical notation
soul music
A combination of rhythm and blues and gospel music developed by African Americans in the late 1950s
studio music
Music recorded in a studio and later released on a record, CD or other medium
trance music
A style of dance music with fast beats, short melodic synthesizer phrases, and a musical form that builds up and down throughout a track, often played in nightclubs
world music
The term world music includes traditional music (sometimes called folk music or roots music) of any culture that are created and played by indigenous musicians or that are "closely informed or guided by indigenous music of the regions of their origin," including Western music (e. g. Celtic music). Most typically, the term world music has now replaced folk music as a shorthand description for the very broad range of recordings of traditional indigenous music and song from around the world
{n} harmony, the science of sounds, musicians
early music
(Muzik) Renaissance, and early baroque music, especially as revived and played on period instruments
face the music
(deyim) be confronted with the unpleasant consequences of one's actions."It's time the politicians faced the music for the damage they've done to the country."
music band
A group of two or more musicians who perform instrumental or vocal music
music to my ears
(deyim) Good news, a message that makes me happy

When she called my name, it was music to my ears.

rap music
Genre of African-American music of the 1980s and 1990s in which rhyming lyrics are chanted to a musical accompaniment; several forms of rap have emerged. (synonym) rap, hip-hop


    ... And of course it will show all my local music. But there's one very awesome difference. This ...
    ... that you have to love music so much that just your hour and a half to two hours of stage ...