The broken coat of the seed of wheat, rye, or other cereal grain, separated from the flour or meal by sifting or bolting; the coarse, chaffy part of ground grain
The outer layers of a cereal grain removed in milling, consisting of the pericarp, the testa and an aleurone layer
If not Bran, it is Bran's brother If not the real “Simon Pure,” it is just as good A complimentary expression Bran was Fingal's dog, a mighty favourite
The pericarp, testa and usually the aleurone layer of cereal seeds which are removed in milling
broken husks of the seeds of cereal grains that are separated from the flour by sifting
Bran is the outer skin of grain that is left when the grain has been used to make flour. oat bran. A gigantic Celtic god and ruler of Britain. After he was mortally wounded in battle, his head was buried in London, where it served as a protection against invaders. the crushed outer skin of wheat or a similar grain that is separated from the rest of the grain when making white flour. Edible broken seed coat, or protective outer layer, of wheat, rye, or other cereal grain, separated from the kernel. In flour processing, it is normally removed from the ground kernels by sifting them in a rotating, meshed, cylindrical frame; whole-grain flours retain the bran. Wheat bran, the most widely processed, contains 16% protein, 11% natural fibre, and 50% carbohydrate. Most bran is coarsely ground for stock feed. In a more refined form, it is used in breakfast cereal, breads, and muffins for its value to the human digestive system as roughage
The outer husk of grains such as wheat, containing a high percentage of fiber White flours have the bran removed Whole wheat flours may contain all or part of the bran
food prepared from the husks of cereal grains broken husks of the seeds of cereal grains that are separated from the flour by sifting
Coarse miller's bran is an excellent source of fiber, which has been shown to prevent many digestive and colon problems It has a bland flavor, which is not detectable in, for example, cookies
The outer layer of grains such as wheat or oats This outer layer is normally removed during the milling process Bran is a good source of carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, and fiber