(isim) dik ve kayalık tepe

listen to the pronunciation of (isim) dik ve kayalık tepe
Türkçe - İngilizce
Alternative form of tore ("hard, difficult; strong; rich")
A craggy outcrop of rock on the summit of a hill
a rocky hill
Preferred Member joined-Dec 31, 2000posts: 415 msg #: 3 10: 48 am on Aug 20, 2002 (utc 0)
a high rocky hill
Terms of reference
A student (and bully) at Sunnydale High School, Tor hung out with three other vicious students, all of whom became possessed by wild hyenas while on a school trip to the zoo They eventually took on the characteristics of the hyenas, leading them to devour a live pig and Pricipal Flutie Tor appeared in "The Pack "
a prominent rock or pile of rocks on a hill
A tower; a turret
isolated mass of rock, usually granite, left upstanding on a hilltop after the surrounding rock has been broken down Weathering takes place along the joints in the rock, reducing the outcrop into a mass of rounded blocks tornado extremely violent revolving storm with swirling, funnelshaped clouds, caused by a rising column of warm air propelled by strong wind A tornado can rise to a great height, but with a diameter of only a few hundred metres or less Tornadoes move with wind speeds of 160-480 kph, destroying everything in their path They are common in the central USA and Australia tourism visit to a place away from home that (unlike recreation) involves at least an overnight stay Towns in the UK typically have a population of 4,000-90,000 trade wind prevailing wind that blows towards the equator from the northeast and southeast
High-pointed hill; a rocky pinnacle
Task order request, task order reporting
A hill
a high rocky hill a prominent rock or pile of rocks on a hill
A prominent hilltop, usually rocky
Terminal Owning Region A term associated with a CICS region which provides terminal management on behalf of other CICS regions in the same or different operating systems environment
(isim) dik ve kayalık tepe