
listen to the pronunciation of (answer
İngilizce - Türkçe

(answer teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı


O benim soruları yanıtlamaktan kaçındı. - She avoided answering my questions.

Bütün soruları yanıtlamak zorunda mıyım? - Do I have to answer all of the questions?

cevap vermek

O, telefona cevap vermek için kalktı. - She got up to answer the phone.

Tom Mary'nin cevap vermek istemediği birkaç soru sordu. - Tom asked a few questions that Mary didn't want to answer.


Soruyu kolaylıkla yanıtlaması bizi şaşırttı. - The ease with which he answered the question surprised us.

Çok kibarsın diye Willie yanıtladı. - That's very nice of you, Willie answered.


Çocuk cevap verdi: Ben Japonum. - I'm Japanese, the boy answered.

Larry Ewing bana cevap vermiyor. - Larry Ewing doesn't answer me.

çağrıyı yanıtlamak
bakmak (kapı, telefon)
answer back
answer for
-den sorumlu olmak
answer for
hakkında teminat vermek
answer for
karşılığını vermek
answer for
hesabını vermek

Sonucun hesabını vermek zorundasın. - You've got to answer for the outcome.

answer mode
(Bilgisayar) yanıt kipi
answer mode
(Bilgisayar) yanıt modu
answer now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi yanıtla
answer off
(Bilgisayar) yanıt kapalı
answer wizard
(Bilgisayar) yardım konuları
answer wizard
(Bilgisayar) yardım
find answer
yanıt bulmak
in answer to
receive an answer
cevap almak
receive answer
yanıt almak
try to find an answer
çare bulmaya çalışmak
tatmin edici olmak

Cevabınız tatmin edici olmaktan uzaktır. - Your answer is far from satisfactory.

Onun cevabı tatmin edici olmaktan uzaktı. - His answer was far from satisfactory.

yeterli olmak

Köpek John adına karşılık veriyor. - The dog answers to the name John.

Ben onun sahtekarlığına karşılık veremem. - I can't answer for his dishonesty.

karşılık vermek
eşit olmak
{f} yanıtla

Soruyu kolaylıkla yanıtlaması bizi şaşırttı. - The ease with which he answered the question surprised us.

Çok kibarsın diye Willie yanıtladı. - That's very nice of you, Willie answered.

answer back
terbiyesizce cevap vermek
answer back
answer for
answer for
cevap ver

Ben bu adamın dürüstlüğü için cevap vereceğim. - I'll answer for this man's honesty.

Tom cevap vermek için çok şeye sahip. - Tom has a lot to answer for.

answer for
sorumlu olmak
answer the door
kapıya bakmak
answer the phone
çınkaya bakmak
evasive answer
kaçamak yanıt
pat answer
uygun cevap
question answer
soru yanıt
acceptable answer
kabul edilebilir cevap
answer back
kaba tavırla karşılık vermek; cevabı yapıştırmak
answer in the affirmative
olumlu cevap vermek
answer phone
cevap telefon
answer request
cevap talebi
answer signal
cevap sinyali
answer the phone
telefona bakmak
answer/serve the same purpose
aynı işi görmek, amacı karşılamak
auto answer
özdevimli yanıt
correct answer
Doğru cevabı
equivocal answer
müphem cevap
equivocal answer, ambiguous reply
müphem cevap muğlak cevap
make no answer
cevap yok yapmak
no answer
cevap yok
owe so. an answer
borçluyum öyle. Bir cevap
question answer
secret answer
gizli cevap
straightforward answer
açık cevap
to answer
(isim) cevap, yanıt, çözüm; tepki; karşılık, misilleme; bakmak (kapi, telefon)
{f} cevap vermek, cevaplamak, yanıtlamak; karşılık vermek
{f} yerine getirmek
{f} kefil olmak
{f} bakmak (kapı)
{i} telefon
{f} yetmek
{i} misilleme
{i} bakmak kapi
{f} to -e uymak: This man does not answer to the
answer cevapla
bir çalgının başka bir çalgıya cevap vermesi
{i} çözüm

Problemin çözümü yok gibi görünüyordu. - There seemed to be no answer to the problem.

Çözümü bilmiyorsan cevabı boş bırakmalısın. - You should leave the answer blank if you don't know the solution.

{f} karşılamak
yeterli o
answerless cevapsız
{i} tepki
{f} tanıma uymak
{f} cevap ver

Daha yüksek eğitim kalitesi, en yüksek uluslararası standartlara cevap vermelidir. - The quality of higher education must answer to the highest international standards.

Çocuk cevap verdi: Ben Japonum. - I'm Japanese, the boy answered.

answer a question
soru cevaplamak
answer back
cevabı yapıştırmak
answer back
karşılık vermek
answer back
küstahça cevap vermek
answer back
(deyim) answer (someone) back terbiyesizce veya kustahca karsilik vermek
answer correctly
doğru cevaplamak
answer for
(Fiili Deyim ) kefil olmak , soruml olmak
answer for
hesabını vermek: You'll have
answer for
kefil olmak
answer for
hakkında teminat vermek; sorumluluğunu üstlenmek: I'll answer for his safety. Güvenliğini üstüme alıyorum
answer for sth
(deyim) bir seyden sorumlu olmak
answer in the
olumlu cevap vermek
answer key
(Dilbilim) yanıt anahtarı
answer later
sonra cevaplamak
answer machine
answer matching
(Bilgisayar) yanıt eşleştirme
answer on/off
(Bilgisayar) cevap açık/kapalı
answer print
(Sinema) ilk eşlem
answer print
birinci kopya
answer seizure ratio
yakalama / yanıtlama oranı
answer seizure ratio
yanıtlama yakalama oranı
answer seizure ratio
yakalama-yanitlama orani
answer seizure ratio
(Bilgisayar) yakalama-yanıtlama oranı
answer signal
(Bilgisayar) yanıt sinyali
answer the affirmative
olumlu cevap vermek
answer the bell
kapıya bakmak
answer the door
kapıyı açmak
answer the door
kapıya bakmak: Who'll answer the door? Kapıya kim bakacak?
answer the purpose
iş görmek
answer the questions
soruları yanıtlamak
answer the telephone
telefona bakmak
answer the telephone
telefona bakmak: The telephone's ringing; will you answer it? Telefon çalıyor, bakar mısın?
answer to
(Fiili Deyim ) cevap vermek , yanıtlamak , -e uymak
answer to someone
(deyim) birine yaptiklarinin nedenini soylemek ,hesap vermek
answer to the description of
(deyim) tanıma uymak
answer to the description of
(deyim) tarife uymak
answer to the description of
(deyim) verilen tanıma uymak
answer  a call
(to) cagriyi yanitlamak
arrive at answer
cevabına ulaşmak
arrive at answer
cevaba ulaşmak
come up with the answer
cevaba ulaşmak
come up with the answer
cevabına ulaşmak
evasive answer
kaçamak cevap
having an answer
in answer to
cevap olarak
in answer to
karşılık olarak
not take no for an answer
{k} (deyim) reddedilmeyi veya itirazi kabul etmemek
not to answer
ses vermemek
positive answer
olumlu cevap
satisfactory answer
tatmin edici cevap
sham answer
(Kanun) gerçek dışı cevap
sharp answer
sert cevap
smart answer
arsızca cevap
straight answer
(deyim) a straight answer/talk ( genellikle give someone/ask for/want..) acik,dolambacli olmayan cevap,konusma
ultimate answer
nihai yanıt
ultimate response final answer
nihai yanıt
unkind answer
ters cevap
vouchsafe smb. no answer
cevap vermeye tenezzül etmemek
vouchsafe smb. no answer
tenezzül edip cevap vermemek
wait an answer
yanıt beklemek
İngilizce - İngilizce

(answer teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

A document filed in response to a complaint, responding to each point raised in the complaint and raising counterpoints
A response; something said or done in reaction to a statement or question

Her answer to his proposal was a slap in the face.

To suit a need or purpose satisfactorily

Theobald spoke as if watches had half-a-dozen purposes besides time-keeping, but he could hardly open his mouth without using one or other of his tags, and answering every purpose was one of them.

Reply to an email. (reply)
To make a reply or response to

He answered the question.

To file a document in response to a complaint
To respond to a call by someone at a door or telephone, or other similar piece of equipment

She answered the door.

A solution to a problem

There is no simple answer to curbing corruption.

To correspond to; to be in harmony with; to be in agreement with

I wish she had answered her picture as well.

answer back
To issue echo characters, protocol responses, reflexive connection requests, etc
answer back
To reply to a question at a later time

Please answer me back before the end of the week.

answer back
To reply impertinently; to talk back

I'll thank you not to answer back like that! Where are your manners?.

answer for
To be held responsible for

The mayor has a lot to answer for.

answer for
To guarantee

I will answer for his debt, if he can't pay on the day.

answer on a postcard
A brief answer or opinion

John sent me a three page report when I just wanted an answer on a postcard.

answer print
The first graded print of an edited film combining sound and picture, which is created for the client to view and approve; his answer decides when the rest of the copies of the film are printed or not

After seeing the novice director's debut's answer print, the studio bosses gave their answer by printing a foot in the director's backside as copiously as he had hoped it would be printed and distributed.

answer the call of nature
To satisfy the bodily urge to urinate or defecate

Unfortunately mountain climbers, like everybody else, need to answer the call of nature, and there are few toilet facilities on mountains.

answer the helm
To respond to a movement of the helm by changing direction; only happens if the ship has steerageway
answer to
To be accountable or responsible to; to account to
take no for an answer
To accept a disappointing response
{n} a reply, return, confutation, solution
{v} to reply, solve, fulfil, succeed, suit, witness for, be accountable
answer to
be under the command of somebody, be responsible or report to somebody
a soft answer turneth away wrath
kind words diffuse anger
a soft answer turns away wrath
kind words diffuse anger
To be or act in return
be liable or accountable; "She must answer for her actions
In a fugue, the second entry of the subject
To be opposite to; to face
The formal written statement by a defendant responding to a civil complaint and setting forth the grounds for defense
In Equity, it is the usual form of defense to the complainant's charges in his bill
To be opposite, or to act in opposition
To be or act an equivalent to, or as adequate or sufficient for; to serve for; to repay
To atone; to be punished for
An answer is a letter that you write to someone who has written to you. I wrote to him but I never had an answer back She wrote to Roosevelt's secretary in answer to his letter of the day before. = reply, response
be sufficient; be adequate, either in quality or quantity; "A few words would answer"; "This car suits my purpose well"; "Will $100 do?"; "A 'B' grade doesn't suffice to get me into medical school"; "Nothing else will serve"
Your answer to something that someone has said or done is what you say or do in response to it or in defence of yourself. In answer to speculation that she wouldn't finish the race, she boldly declared her intention of winning it. = reply, response
To make a satisfactory response or return
{f} respond, reply; solve, provide a solution
To speak or write by way of return (originally, to a charge), or in reply; to make response
a statement (either spoken or written) that is made in reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation; "I waited several days for his answer"; "he wrote replies to several of his critics"
react to a stimulus or command; "The steering of my new car answers to the slightest touch"
the defendant's response to the plaintiff's compliant The answer admits or denies the claims in the plaintiff's complaint
If you answer a letter or advertisement, you write to the person who wrote it. She answered an advert for a job as a cook
A pleading by which defendant responds to the plaintiff's complaint
To be or act in accommodation, conformity, relation, or proportion to; to correspond to; to suit
the written response to a complaint, petition, or motion
A written pleading filed by the responding party in a civil case addressing the facts alleged in the complaint
To be or act in conformity, or by way of accommodation, correspondence, relation, or proportion; to conform; to correspond; to suit; usually with to
A counter-statement of facts in a course of pleadings; a confutation of what the other party has alleged; a responsive declaration by a witness in reply to a question
the speech act of replying to a question
The formal written statement by a defendant responding to a civil complaint, or written motion, and setting forth the grounds for defense or response
When you answer the telephone, you pick it up when it rings. When you answer the door, you open it when you hear a knock or the bell. She answered her phone on the first ring A middle-aged woman answered the door. Answer is also a noun. I knocked at the front door and there was no answer
To be or act as an equivalent, or as adequate or sufficient; as, a very few will answer
a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem; "they were trying to find a peaceful solution"; "the answers were in the back of the book"; "he computed the result to four decimal places"
If someone or something answers a particular description or answers to it, they have the characteristics described. Two men answering the description of the suspects tried to enter Switzerland The Japanese never built any aircraft remotely answering to this description. = fit
If you say that someone will not take no for an answer, you mean that they go on trying to make you agree to something even after you have refused. He would never take no for an answer
give the correct answer or solution to; "answer a question"; "answer the riddle"
a nonverbal reaction; "his answer to any problem was to get drunk"; "their answer was to sue me"
match or correspond; "The drawing of the suspect answers to the description the victim gave"
a nonverbal reaction; "his answer to any problem was to get drunk"; "their answer was to sue me" the principle pleading by the defendant in response to plaintiff's complaint; in criminal law it consists of the defendant's plea of `guilty' or `not guilty' (or nolo contendere); in civil law it must contain denials of all allegations in the plaintiff's complaint that the defendant hopes to controvert and it can contain affirmative defenses or counterclaims a statement (either spoken or written) that is made in reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation; "I waited several days for his answer"; "he wrote replies to several of his critics" the speech act of replying to a question understand the meaning of; "The question concerning the meaning of life cannot be answered" give the correct answer or solution to; "answer a question"; "answer the riddle" react to a stimulus or command; "The steering of my new car answers to the slightest touch" respond to a signal; "answer the door"; "answer the telephone" give a defence or refutation of (a charge) or in (an argument); "The defendant answered to all the charges of the prosecution" reply or respond to; "She didn't want to answer"; "answer the question"; "We answered that we would accept the invitation" be satisfactory for; meet the requirements of or serve the purpose of; "This may answer her needs" match or correspond; "The drawing of the suspect answers to the description the victim gave" be liable or accountable; "She must answer for her actions
An answer is something that you say when you answer someone. Without waiting for an answer, he turned and went in through the door I don't quite know what to say in answer to your question. = reply, response
If you answer something that someone has said or done, you respond to it. He answered her smile with one of his own That statement seemed designed to answer criticism of allied bombing missions. = counter
When you answer someone who has asked you something, you say something back to them. Just answer the question He paused before answering `When?' asked Alba, `Tonight', answered Tom Williams answered that he had no specific proposals yet
the principle pleading by the defendant in response to plaintiff's complaint; in criminal law it consists of the defendant's plea of `guilty' or `not guilty' (or nolo contendere); in civil law it must contain denials of all allegations in the plaintiff's complaint that the defendant hopes to controvert and it can contain affirmative defenses or counterclaims a statement (either spoken or written) that is made in reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation; "I waited several days for his answer"; "he wrote replies to several of his critics"
A formal, written statement by the defendant in a lawsuit which answers each allegation contained in the complaint
give a defence or refutation of (a charge) or in (an argument); "The defendant answered to all the charges of the prosecution"
A formal response to a claim, admitting or denying the allegations in the claim
Written response in a civil case; in it the defendant admits or denies allegations made by the plaintiff
A pleadingthat is, a paper filed with the court, in this case by the defendant responding to the allegations the plaintiff made in the complaint
A respondent's written reply to a claim (See arbitration, claim)
Written document filed in response to a complaint, consisting of short plain statements denying the allegations in the complaint which the employer contests
If something answers a need or purpose, it satisfies it, because it has the right qualities. We provide specially designed shopping trolleys to answer the needs of parents with young children. = satisfy
be liable or accountable; "She must answer for her actions"
Pleading The response of a defendant to the plaintiff's complaint, denying in part or in whole the allegations made by the plaintiff
To respond to satisfactorily; to meet successfully by way of explanation, argument, or justification, and the like; to refute
a document used to respond to a complaint Answers usually admit or deny specific allegations or claims in the document being answered
To render account, or to be responsible; to be accountable; to make amends; as, the man must answer to his employer for the money intrusted to his care
To be or act in return or response to
An answer to a problem is a solution to it. There are no easy answers to the problems facing the economy Prison is not the answer for most young offenders
A statement made by the defendant in response to a complaint or action which has been brought against the defendant It states why the defendant should not be held liable (LE)
A written statement made by the defendant in a civil case in response to the charges or complaints filed
Something said or written in reply to a question, a call, an argument, an address, or the like; a reply
{i} response, reply; solution
the speech act of replying to a question understand the meaning of; "The question concerning the meaning of life cannot be answered"
the court papers filed on behalf of the defendant in response to plaintiff's complaint
Answer to an email. (reply)
To render account to or for
A written response to a demand or a third party claim A written submission filed by a respondent named in a Complaint which answers each allegation in the Complaint by admitting, denying or averring lack of sufficient knowledge to admit or deny the allegation
To speak in defense against; to reply to in defense; as, to answer a charge; to answer an accusation
understand the meaning of; "The question concerning the meaning of life cannot be answered"
reply or respond to; "She didn't want to answer"; "answer the question"; "We answered that we would accept the invitation"
respond to a signal; "answer the door"; "answer the telephone"
Something done in return for, or in consequence of, something else; a responsive action
A reply to a change; a defense
A written response prepared by the party against whom a pleading was filed In a sexual harassment suit, the alleged harasser will ordinarily include any defenses that he or she may have in the answer Topic areas: Accountability and Evaluation, Operations Management and Leadership
To be or act by way of compliance, fulfillment, reciprocation, or satisfaction; to serve the purpose; as, gypsum answers as a manure on some soils
The defendant's response to the plaintiffs allegations as stated in a complaint An item-by-item, paragraph-by-paragraph response to points made in a complaint; part of the pleadings
When you answer a question in a test or quiz, you write or say something in an attempt to give the facts that are asked for. To obtain her degree, she answered 81 questions over 10 papers
Someone's answer to a question in a test or quiz is what they write or say in an attempt to give the facts that are asked for. The answer to a question is the fact that was asked for. Simply marking an answer wrong will not help the pupil to get future examples correct
The pleading of a defendant in response to a plaintiff's complaint
to respond to
Statement by the defendant setting forth its defense
A musical phrase appearing to respond to another, particularly in a fugue, where the first entry of the main theme is called the subject and the second is called the answer
be satisfactory for; meet the requirements of or serve the purpose of; "This may answer her needs"
To speak or write in return to, as in return to a call or question, or to a speech, declaration, argument, or the like; to reply to a question, remark, etc
To be or act in compliance with, in fulfillment or satisfaction of, as an order, obligation, demand; as, he answered my claim upon him; the servant answered the bell
A solution, the result of a mathematical operation; as, the answer to a problem
The word or phrase that is the solution to a Clue In some puzzles the answer is thematically modified before entry into the Grid, which is why the distinct term Light is used by compilers when referring to the entry in the Grid
answer a challenge
take on a challenge, respond to a dare
answer a letter
respond to a letter, write back
answer back
A transmission from a receiving device to the sending device acknowledging a "message received" or "ready to receive" status
answer back
Allows retrieving a Parked call from any phone Requires a system code to preceed the extension where the call was parked See Call Park
answer back
answer with a sassy tone, reply sarcastically
answer back
A signal or tone sent by a receiving equipment or data set to the sending station to indicate that it is ready to accept transmission Alternatively a signal or tone sent to acknowledge receipt of a transmission
answer back
  A signal sent by receiving equipment to the sending station to indicate that the receiver is ready to accept trans­mission
answer back
An Answer Back (AB) is an electrical and/or visual indication to the calling or sending end that the called or received station is on the line
answer back
If someone, especially a child, answers back, they speak rudely to you when you speak to them. She was punished by teachers for answering back I always answered him back when I thought he was wrong
answer back
A reply message from a terminal, manually or automatically initiated, to verify that the terminal has been addressed and is operational
answer for
If you say that someone has a lot to answer for, you are saying that their actions have led to problems which you think they are responsible for
answer for
If you have to answer for something bad or wrong you have done, you are punished for it. He must be made to answer for his terrible crimes
answer for
be responsible for -, suffer the consequences for -
answer phone
{i} answering maching, mechanical device which records telephone messages
answer signal
ringing heard in a phone receiver when a telephone call is placed
answer the description
fit a description, match the details of a description
answer to a description
fit a description, match the details of a description
answer to a name
respond to a name, reply when a certain name is used
answer with spirit
respond in a lively fashion, respond with enthusiasm
appropriate answer
fitting response, reply which is suited to the situation
auto answer
condition in which a modem automatically answers incoming calls
concise answer
condensed answer, reply which has been made short and precise
correct answer
correct response, right answer
cut-and-dried answer
clear reply, reply which is very straight and to the point
diplomatic answer
tactful answer, politic answer
direct answer
honest reply, straightforward answer
elusive answer
evasive or deceptive response; hard to find answer or solution to a problem
evasive answer
(law) an answer by a defendant that fails to admit or deny the allegations set forth in the complaint
evasive answer
misleading reply, deceptive response, cagey answer, indirect answer
favorable answer
positive answer, desired response
forthright answer
direct response, straightforward reply
gave him a negative answer
said no to him, answered to the contrary
good answer
(US Slang) that is correct!
got a negative answer
was told "no", received a contrary reply; received an antagonistic reply
had no answer
did not have a solution, had nothing to say, was left speechless
in answer
in response, as a reply
male answer syndrome
{i} MAS, tendency of certain men to answer a question even when they don't know the answer
negative answer
negative reply, answer that is not positive
no answer
no response, no reply
noncommittal answer
answer that does not give a definite "yes" or "no
positive answer
agreement, confirmation, endorsement, approval, saying "yes
satisfactory answer
sufficient response, response that answers the question, answer that fulfills one's wishes
straight answer
honest response, direct answer
take no for an answer
accept a refusal, understand that "no" means "no
unsatisfactory answer
answer that is not satisfactory, response that is not detailed enough
vocal answer
automatic recording of messages, electronic operator which gives out information, vocal answering service
without an answer
with nothing to say, with no reply
won't take no for an answer
will not accept refusal, will not accept a negative reply


    ... question is so elementary that even my chauffeur here can answer it for you." ...
    ... was, "Yes."  And answer overturned thousands of years of mystery and speculation about ...