
listen to the pronunciation of …proof
İngilizce - Türkçe

…proof teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı


Tom'un hırsız olduğuna dair su götürmez kanıt var. - There is indisputable proof that Tom is the thief.

Bizim masumiyetinle ilgili belirli bir kanıtımız var. - We have specific proof of your innocence.

crease proof
fire proof
ateşe dayanıklı
bullet proof vest
kurşun geçirmez yelek
burden of proof
(Kanun) kanıtlama zorunluğu
certificate of proof
(Kanun) onay belgesi
counter proof
(Kanun) hasmı delil
counter proof
(Kanun) karşı delil
dust proof
toz geçirmez
explosion proof
(Askeri,Denizbilim) patlamaz
fool proof
heat proof
ısıya dayanıklı
immersion proof
(Askeri) su geçirmez
indirect proof
(Matematik) dolaylı kanıt
ladder proof
leak proof
offer a proof
(Kanun) delil sunmak
produce proof
(Kanun) kanıt göstermek

Bunun bir düzelticiye ihtiyacı var. - This needs a proofreader.

Denememi düzeltir misin? - Could you proofread my essay?

-e karşı dayanıklı
(Matematik) kanıtlanım
(içki) belli bir ayarda olan
proof and hold
(Bilgisayar) düzelt ve beklet
proof by induction
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) tümevarımla tanıt
proof by oath
(Kanun) yemin delili
proof hold
(Bilgisayar) dene ve tut
proof hold
(Bilgisayar) düzelt ve tut
proof lest
prova testi
proof of payment
ödeme belgesi
proof positive
(Kanun) kati delil
proof print
(Bilgisayar) düzeltme yazdırma
proof text
(Bilgisayar) metin sağlaması
proof theory
kanıt teorisi
shrink proof
shrink proof
abrasion proof
aşınmaya dayanıklı
acid proof
aside dirençli
aside dayanıklı
bomb proof
bombaya dayanıklı
bombaya dayanıklı
bomba geçmez
burden of proof
kanıtlama zorunluluğu
burden of proof
ispat külfeti
corrosion proof
aşınmaya dayanıklı
aşınmaya dayanıklı
direct proof
direkt ispat
document in proof
kanıtlayıcı belge
explosion proof
patlamaya dayanıklı
donma yapmaz
galley proof
ilk dizgi
immersion proof
su almaz
indirect method of proof
dolaylı yöntemle kanıtlama
indirect proof
dolaylı ispat
logical proof
mantıksal ispat
içkinin alkol derecesinin ölçüsü
geçirmez hale getirmek

Deliliniz olmadığı sürece bu konuşma hiç olmadı. - So long as you have no proof, this conversation never happened.

Onun olduğunu inkar etmiyorum ama bir örnek delil sayılmaz. - I'm not denying it happened, but one example can't be called proof.

-e dayanıklı
(Askeri) DENEME BASKISI: Bir haritanın nihai basımına geçmeden önce terimin ve yazıların kontrolü ve/veya hataların bulunup düzeltilmesi maksadıyla hazırlanan deneme baskısı
-e karşı dayanıklı hale getirmek

Denememi düzeltir misin? - Could you proofread my essay?

Tom benden denemesini tashih etmemi istedi. - Tom asked me to proofread his essay.

proof sheet
matbaa provası
proof total
kanıtlayıcı toplam
güneş geçirmez
güneşe dayanıklı
{i} ispat etme
The proof of the pudding is in the eating
Bir şeyin değeri kullanıldığında anlaşılır
analytic proof
analitik kanıt
as proof
kanıtı olarak
bullet proof vest
Kurşun geçirmez yelek, çelik yelek
Kurşun geçirmez
bullet-proof vest
kurşun geçirmez yelek
child proof
Çocuklar için güvenilir, dayanıklı, sağlam
child proof
Something that iş childproof has been made safe for contact with, or use by, children or infants. Childproofing involves ensuring that a child cannot come to harm, and iş a term particularly applied to the act of making a home safe
convincing proof
ikna edici delil
document in proof
kanitlayici belge
documents of proof
belgeleyici kâğıtlar, kanıt niteliğinde belgeler
Alev geçirmeyen, yanmaya karşı dayanıklı
yangına dayanıklı
flat proof
düz kanıtı
future proof
geleceğe uyumlu
geleceğe dönük
gold proof
altın kanıtı
goof proof
becerememek kanıtı
house proof
ev kanıtı
idiot proof
aptal geçirmez
idiot proof terminal
aptal geçirmez terminal
learn by proof
kanıt tarafından öğrenmek
lettered proof
aydın kanıtı
living proof
geçirmez yaşam
mathematical proof
matematiksel ispatı
yağ sızdırmaz
page proof
sayfa kanıtı
printer's proof
Yazıcının kanıt
{i} senet
{i} sağlama
DENEME BASKıSı: Baskı öncesi kontrol edilip, hataların bulunup düzeltilmesi maksadıyla hazırlanan baskı
proof by negation
olumsuzlama tarafından kanıtı
proof figure
kanıt rakamı, kanıtlama sayısı
proof list
kanıt listesi, kanıt dizelgesi
proof of concept
kavram ispatı
proof of enrollment
Öğrenci vs. kayıt belgesi

Proof of Enrollment of a current student is often needed for insurance.

proof paper
DENEME BASKıSı: Baskı öncesi kontrol edilip, hataların bulunup düzeltilmesi maksadıyla hazırlanan baskı
proof reader
geçirmez okuyucu
proof stress
deneme gerilmesi, zorlama gerilimi
Depreme dayanıklı
social proof
sosyal kanıt
sound proof
ses geçirmez
Elektrik geçirmez, elektriğe karşı yalıtımlı

Floors made of oxychloride cement are sparkproof and are more resilient than floors of concrete.

tamper proof
geçirmez tamper
uncorrected proof
düzeltilmemiş kanıtı
vandal proof
darbelere dayanıklı
water proof
Su geçirmez
hava geçirmez
İngilizce - İngilizce

…proof teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

Used to form adjectives denoting an impervious or impenetrable quality
110 proof
Stronger than strong

Attention must be paid to Dr. Ron Paul, the 110-proof libertarian in the Republican race.

110 proof
Intensely; strongly

The crowd which jams the grandstands... constitutes the most informal assemblage in the world. This crowd is 110 proof democratic and unconventional. Judge, subway guard, doctor, banker,..., laborer—they can all sit in the same row.

110 proof
artist's proof
A very early proof impression of an engraving, or the like; -- often distinguished by the artist's signature
Alternative spelling of bulletproof. (Capable of withstanding a direct shot, reliable, or unbreakable)
burden of proof
The duty of a party in a legal proceeding to prove an assertion of fact; it includes both the burden of production and the burden of persuasion; the onus probandi
burdens of proof
plural form of burden of proof
Designed and constructed to withstand or minimize damage from an internal or external explosion
galley proof
A trial page or proof of continuous text that has not been divided into pages
Incapable of being misused even by the most stupid or careless of users
judgement proof
Who is exempt from the payment of debts, either because of insufficient funds or because of protection by statute
judgment proof
Of a person whom a judgment cannot be enforced against
negative proof
A fallacious judgment that because a premise cannot be proven true, that premise must be false
ontological proof
Alternative name of ontological argument
page proof
A trial page or proof that has been made up into pages
probabilistically checkable proof
A reasonable proof of a computational theorem or conjecture obtained via a randomized algorithm
A measure of the alcohol content of liquor. Originally, in Britain, 100 proof was defined as 57.1% by volume (not used anymore). In the US, 100 proof means that the alcohol content is 50% of the total volume of the liquid, and thus, absolute alcohol would be 200 proof
Being of a certain standard as to strength; -- said of alcoholic liquors
To proofread
A proof sheet; a trial impression, as from type, taken for correction or examination
Firmness of mind; stability not to be shaken
A sequence of statements consisting of axioms, assumptions, statements already demonstrated in another proof, and statements that logically follow from previous statements in the sequence, and which concludes with a statement that is the object of the proof
Any effort, process, or operation designed to establish or discover a fact or truth; an act of testing; a test; a trial

A given quantity of the spirits was poured upon a quantity of gunpowder in a dish and set on fire. If at the end of the combustion, the gunpowder continued dry enough, it took fire and exploded; but if it had been wetted by the water in the spirits, the flame of the alcohol went out without setting the powder on fire. This was called the proof.

Firm or successful in resisting; as, proof against harm; waterproof; bombproof

This was a good, stout proof article of faith. -.

Used in proving or testing; as, a proof load, or proof charge
To knead, as in bread dough
To make resistant, especially to water
: Armour of excellent or tried quality, and deemed impenetrable; properly, armour of proof
A process for testing the accuracy of an operation performed. Compare prove, transitive verb, 5
The degree of evidence which convinces the mind of any truth or fact, and produces belief; a test by facts or arguments which induce, or tend to induce, certainty of the judgment; conclusive evidence; demonstration

Proof is the bottom line for everyone.

The quality or state of having been proved or tried; firmness or hardness which resists impression, or doesn't yield to force; impenetrability of physical bodies
proof by contradiction
A proof of the following sort (1): It is desired to prove A, so assume that A is not true, and derive a contradiction from this assumption. From this it follows that "not A" implies falsity, in other words "not not A" is true. From the law of double negation, it follows that A is true. Also, a proof of the following sort (2): It is desired to prove "not A", so assume that A is true, and derive a contradiction. From this it follows that A implies falsity, in other words "not A". Both sorts of proof are valid in classical logic but only the second sort is valid in intuitionistic logic.http: //plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-intuitionistic/
proof by example
A logical fallacy consisting of providing one or more examples as a proof of a more general statement
proof by exhaustion
The indirect verification or falsification of a statement by the verification or falsification of each of the finite number of cases which arise therefrom
proof of concept
A short and/or incomplete realization of a certain method or idea to demonstrate its feasibility
proof of concept
A proof of technology or pilot project
proof of technology
In software development "proof of technology" (often abbreviated to PoT) is used interchangeably with "proof of concept" (PoC) or "pilot project"
proof reader
A person who reads proof, copy or other text, looking for errors and making corrections
proof spirit
A mixture of alcohol and water used as a standard for distilled drinks
proof system
A set of axioms and a set of inference rules which are jointly used to deduce tautologies, thereby providing proofs of them
Alternative spelling of proof of concept
That which hinders the free movement of rabbits
An item, product or idea that is nearly impossible to sell to others

That used car has one thing going for it: it is sale-proof.

the proof is in the pudding
Alternative form of the proof of the pudding is in the eating
the proof of the pudding is in the eating
The only real test of something is as what it is intended to be used for
zero-knowledge proof
An interactive method for one party to prove to another that a (usually mathematical) statement is true, without revealing anything other than the veracity of the statement
Not harmed by earthquakes
{a} able to resist, impenetrable, rough, hard
{n} evidence, test, a rough sheet of print
alcoholic proof
Alcoholic proof is an obsolete measure of how much ethanol is in an alcoholic beverage, and is approximately twice the percentage of alcohol by volume (ABV, the unit that is commonly used at percent)
(adjective) (of a product) unlikely to become obsolete
proof paper
1. Paper (as printing-out paper) for making proofs2. Paper used in timing an exposure


    ... to 47 million on food stamps. The proof of that is that 50 percent of college graduates ...
    ... of six people in poverty. The proof of that is we've gone from 32 million on food stamps ...