ıts aromatic long seed, used as a spice, notably in ındian and mexican cookery

listen to the pronunciation of ıts aromatic long seed, used as a spice, notably in ındian and mexican cookery
İngilizce - İngilizce

ıts aromatic long seed, used as a spice, notably in ındian and mexican cookery teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

Its aromatic long seed, used as a spice, notably in Indian and Mexican cookery.
ıts aromatic long seed, used as a spice, notably in ındian and mexican cookery


    its ar·o·ma·tic Long seed, used as a spice, no·ta·bly in In·di·an and Mex·i·can cook·e·ry
