ısrarla tavsiye etmek

listen to the pronunciation of ısrarla tavsiye etmek
Türkçe - İngilizce
To present in an urgent manner; to insist upon
To provoke; to exasperate
: To treat with forcible means; to take severe or violent measures with; as, to urge an ore with intense heat
To press onward or forward
To press; to push; to drive; to impel; to force onward
{v} to press, solicit, ask, incite, provoke
{f} incite, provoke, goad; impel, encourage; plead; advise
If you urge someone to do something, you try hard to persuade them to do it. They urged parliament to approve plans for their reform programme
A strong desire; an itch to do something
an instinctive motive; "profound religious impulses"
If you urge someone somewhere, you make them go there by touching them or talking to them. He slipped his arm around her waist and urged her away from the window `Come on, Grace,' he was urging her, `don't wait, hurry up.'
To be pressing in argument; to insist; to persist
force or impel in an indicated direction; "I urged him to finish his studies"
{i} strong instinctual desire, drive; impulse, itch; act of urging
If you have an urge to do or have something, you have a strong wish to do or have it. He had an urge to open a shop of his own. a strong wish or need = desire urge to do sth
urge on or encourage especially by shouts; "The crowd cheered the demonstrating strikers"
To treat with forcible means; to take severe or violent measures with; as, to urge an ore with intense heat
ısrarla tavsiye etmek