{i} type of black and white marine bird; (Nautical) schooner with three masts; (in Gambling) set of three things (particularly three numbers that together form a winning combination in a gambling game or a lottery)
Any one of numerous species of long-winged aquatic birds, allied to the gulls, and belonging to Sterna and various allied genera
That which consists of, or pertains to, three things or numbers together; especially, a prize in a lottery resulting from the favorable combination of three numbers in the drawing; also, the three numbers themselves
Any of various sea birds of the family Sternidae that are similar to gulls but are smaller, more elegant and have a forked tail
A tern is a small black and white seabird with long wings and a forked tail. Any of various sea birds of the genus Sterna and related genera, related to and resembling the gulls but characteristically smaller and having a forked tail. a black and white sea bird that has long wings and a tail with two points (From a language). Any of about 40 species (subfamily Sterninae, family Laridae) of slender, web-footed, migratory water birds found almost worldwide. Species vary from 8 to 22 in. (20-55 cm) long. The plumage is white, black-and-white, or black; the sharply pointed bill is black, red, or yellow; and the feet are red or black. Most species have long, pointed wings and a forked tail. Terns plunge into the water to catch crustaceans and fishes. They breed colonially, usually on the ground on islands. See also Arctic tern
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