Electricity Control Unit A prepayment meter with protection and designed to supply up to 20Amp The ECU is basically an ED with Earth Leakage and Over-current protection built in ECUs plug into a standard passive base (or socket) and will be directly connected to a double plug outlet
(Pronounced A-Coo) European Currency Unit An international currency being developed by the European Union, and slowing gaining acceptance in institutional securities issues ECUs are based on a "currency basket" comprised of all the European Union member countries except the Spanish peseta and Portuguese escudo The ECU is not yet operating at the consumer retail level
European unit of account Its value is given by the weighted average of the currencies of the countries belonging to the European Union This unit of account existed until January 1 1999, at which date it has been replaced by the euro
European Currency Unit A standard unit of currency used throughout the EC for calculating grants, commodity prices, subsidies etc Related to the currencies of member states at variable rates
> Electronic Control Unit, the computer that receives signals from various sensors and determines how much fuel to inject into the engine under various conditions
Exercise Control Unit Digital interface equipment between the CLC and radar analog hardware used to facilitate simulation of a threat environment Click here for more information
Abbreviation for European Currency Unit ECU (if nec as supplement to dictionary def ) The composition of the ECU has remained unchanged since the Maastricht Treaty was ratified, i e the currencies of the three countries which acceded in 1995, Austria, Sweden and Finland, are no longer included in the ECU basket With the beginning of monetary union the ECU will be converted to the EURO at a ratio of 1: 1
Environmental Change Unit The ECU is a research institute located at Oxford University in the UK Researchers at the ECU have been involved with a wide range of issues related to global environmental change including climate impacts and adaptation to climate change The ECU has been involved with the development of several integrated assessment models including ESCAPE and CLIMAPS
European Currency Unit Not the new single currency but a "basket" of EU member states' currencies including those - such as sterling - which are not joining the euro in the initial stage
[ 'A-"kyü, A-k[UE] ] (noun.) circa 1593. Middle French, literally, shield, from Old French escu, from Latin scutum; from the device of a shield on the coin; more at ESQUIRE.