çizim, teknik resim

listen to the pronunciation of çizim, teknik resim
Türkçe - İngilizce
{i} drafting
A profession, usually related to making technical drawings for architecture, engineering, or manufacturing
The act or process of producing a technical drawing, or draft
A fast-moving car creates a low-pressure area behind it, causing the air to try to move with the car A car following behind can take advantage of this low pressure as it actually sucks the car along faster, known as "being in the slipstream " A savvy driver can either use the draft to pass, or to lift off the gas slightly and conserve fuel
A driver's use of the car ahead of him or her to break wind resistance and gain momentum
Using mechanical techniques to produce accurate scale drawings of scenic or other theatrical elements
The practice among cyclists of riding in a close line to minimize wind resistance
When a player selects a mission, the game will attempt to draft other players into that mission   If you are withing in the draft radius, you will get a "You have been drafted" message   Either accept or forfeit the draft request
Technical drawing, as for mechanical or architectural plans
The practice of two or more cars, while racing, to run nose to tail, almost touching The lead car, by displacing the air in front of it, creates a vacuum between it's rear end and the following car's nose The second car is actually pulled by the first
A procedure where a car gets closer to the car in front and gets pulled along by the vacuum created by the car in front as it passes thru the air This also helps to push the front car This allows the cars to gain speed and save fuel
Precise graphical representation of a structure, machine, or its component parts that communicates the intent of a technical design to the fabricator (or the prospective buyer) of the product. Drawings may present the various aspects of an object's form, show the object projected in space, or explain how it is built. Drafting uses orthographic projection, in which the object is viewed along parallel lines that are perpendicular to the plane of the drawing. Orthographic drawings include top views (plans), flat front and side views (elevations), and cross-sectional views showing profile. Perspective drawing, which presents a realistic illusion of space, uses a horizon line and vanishing points to show how objects and spatial relationships might appear to the eye, including diminution of size and convergence of parallel lines. Drafting was done with precision instruments (T square or parallel rule, triangle, mechanical pens and pencils) until computerization revolutionized production methods in architectural and engineering offices
In racing, when one skater follows closely behind another skater and rides in his or her slipstream, or air pocket This allows the trailing skater to expend less energy
the craft of drawing blueprints
An early stage in the writing process characterized by composing thoughts into a cohesive text
The process of drawing out a strand of material by pulling it apart Commercially, this is done between rollers and in handspinning it is done with the hands
The process of writing several drafts should leave you with a sense of having moved forward in your thinking about an idea Below you will see what is generally expected in a first, second, or later draft However, it is important to recognize that each person and each essay is unique Some writings feel nearly finished after the second draft, while others could go through four or more drafts to feel finished
Drafting is the process of sitting down with pen in hand or fingers on keyboard to do the actual writing required
the craft of drawing blueprints writing a first version to be filled out and polished later
Picture Plane The two-dimensional planar surface that records the image of an object or building There are three basic picture planes: horizontal, frontal, and profile
In stock car racing, cars will often follow another car closely in single file and get pulled along in the vacuum behind the lead car, catching extra speed and saving fuel