On a flowering plant, a floret is a small flower that is part of a larger flower
Small, individual flower The ray and disc florets make up the compound flower in the Sunflower Family (Asteraceae), while the lemma, palea and included flower make up a floret in a grass plant See drawing of flower parts and drawing of parts of a grass plant
A very small flower, especially one of the disk flowers of plants in the composite family
A little flower; one of the numerous little flowers which compose the head or anthodium in such flowers as the daisy, thistle, and dandelion
An individual flower of a defined flower cluster, as an individual flower of a grass spikelet or of a composite head
one of the small flowers in a composite - like a daisy; discflorets are tubular, ray florets are strap-shaped
On vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower, a floret is one of the small, flower-shaped pieces which make up the part of the vegetable that you eat
1) In grasses the unit composed of a lemma and palea and the small flower they enclose 2) In Asteraceae the individual small flowers of the head 3) Any very small flower of a dense inflorescence
A small flower The term floret is most often used for the flowers of grasses or the sessile flowers on a capitulum
A floret is a small flower or cluster of flower buds, such as in a head of cauliflower
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