
listen to the pronunciation of çerezler
Türkçe - İngilizce
(Bilgisayar) cookies

What kind of cookies are these? - Bunlar ne tür çerezler?

Cookies are small text files that Web sites place in your computer to help your browsers remember specific information For example, they might store your passwords and user IDs They are also used to store your preferences for content or personalized pages Most shopping carts use cookies These allow you to choose items and leave the virtual store, then return later and find that all the items are still in your shopping cart Cookies are also used to build a profile of which sites you visit and which banner ads you click on Advertisers use this information to deliver targeted ads directly to your computer Some sites save your preferences on the cookie itself Other sites assign users ID numbers or encoded passwords and keep records of your preferences at their end Some sites use temporary cookies (called session cookies) that are deleted when you exit your browser Others place persistent cookies, which stay on your hard drive for long periods
plural of cookie
A means by which, under the HTTP protocol, a server or a script can maintain state or status information on the client workstation In other words, a cookie is bits of information about a person's visit to a Web page A cookie can include such information as the way a Web page was customized or how a visitor shopped on a Web site, or it can be used to track repeat visits
The name for files stored on your hard drive by your Web browser that holds information about your identity or browsing habits A common type of cookie is a user name and password cookie that is used by a Web site you visit frequently so you do not have to retype in a user name and password with each visit
A way to store information behind an HTML document for the server from the client side Cookies retrieve information from the client's browser Why? When you shop on the net or have to enter preferences on a particular site, the server stores that information for your use so you don't have to fill out additional forms or preferences each time you visit It's kind of like having a customer account with a web site
Cookies are small text files that are created by some Websites and stored on your hard drive Cookies are used so that a Website can "remember" you the next time you visit it and present you with a customised page, such as one containing your name
A cookie is a piece of information stored on a user's hard disk which is attributed when they visit a specific site It is a text file, not a program A site can only read the information in a cookie which was written by that site The information that can be stored in a cookie consists of the date and time of the visit and any information given whilst on the site A cookie can be created, for example, when shopping on a web site and accessed by the site if the user visits again
A means by which, under the HTTP protocol, a server or a script can maintain information on the client computer Cookies are small text files which are stored in the user's browser by the Web server Cookies contain information about the user such as an identification number, a password, how a user shopped on a Web site, or how many times the user visited that site A Web site can access cookie information whenever the user connects to the server
These little guys are used to store information on your computer Cookies provide Website customization features Some later browser versions allow you to know in advance that a cookie is coming your way in which case you may decide you do or do not want to accept the cookie
Persistent Client-State HTTP Cookies are files containing information about visitors to a web site (e g , user name and preferences) This information is provided by the visitor during the first visit to a Web server The server records this information in a text file and stores this file on the visitor's hard drive When the visitor accesses the same web site again, the server looks for the cookie and configures itself based on the information provided
Cookies are almost invisible packets of information stored on your computer These packets save information that allow you to visit particular web sites faster Passwords, preferences and personal information are stored in these cookies and sent from your computer to the particular web site to save you from having to log on and fill out a bunch of information every time you visit a particular site It's like Norm walking into Cheers without having to be reintroduced to the bar patrons every time
The most common meaning of "Cookie" on the Internet refers to a piece of information sent by a Web Server to a Web Browser that the Browser software is expected to save and to send back to the Server whenever the browser makes additional requests from the Server
Small text files created by an Internet web site and stored on the user's computer A cookie contains information that can help speed access on subsequent visits, such as passwords and details of the user's display facilities
A cookie is a text file placed on your hard drive by some Web pages that you visit The cookie allows the Webmaster to track your visits to their Website as well as correlate that information with other information such as the previous page you visited, your operating system, your browser plus any information that you volunteer via a form When you return to that Website the site will retrieve your cookie file from your hard drive and use whatever information is stored to target content and advertising to both your stated preferences (where asked) and the behavior that you exhibited It is this technology that allows you to store items in an electronic shopping basket and "remember" other useful pieces of information such as passwords
A cookie is a small piece of textual information, sent to your browser from the website or web server you are visiting If a site you visit uses cookies, that site's web server queries your browser for permission to pass a cookie to your browser's directory At a minimum, any cookie saved in your browser's directory is stored in RAM during your session Many sites also store the cookie on your hard drive in a text file after you leave (log off) their site Cookies are used for many purposes such as website tracking, shopping cart identification, ascertaining information about the machine you are using, personalizing your site visit, and storing information like passwords and user ID's for a particular site The web server issuing the cookie, is the only server that can read that particular cookie Cookies cannot retrieve information from your hard drive or profile your system
A cookie is a file sent to a web browser by a web server to record one's activities on a website For instance, when you buy items from a site and place them in a so-called virtual shopping cart, that information is stored in the cookie When the browser requests additional files, the cookie information is sent back to the server Cookies can remember other kinds of personal information --your password, so you don't have to re-enter it each time you visit the site; your preferences, so the next time you return to a site, you can be presented with customized information Some people regard cookies as an invasion of privacy; others think they are a harmless way to make websites more personal
Small files that are downloaded to your computer when you browse certain web pages Cookies hold information that can be retrieved by other web pages on the site
Small files that are automatically downloaded from a Web server to the hard drive of someone browsing a Web site Information stored in cookies can then be accessed any time that computer returns to the site Cookies allow Web sites to "personalize" their appearance by identifying visitors, storing passwords, tracking preferences, and other possibilities
A cookie is a small piece of information When visiting someweb sites a small packet of data, or cookie, is stored on your harddisk and accessed by the web server every time you move around thesite This allows the site to record information about the qualityof navigation as well as user habits and interests
Information a site can store and retrieve from your computer about what you do on that site Find the file "cookies txt" on your computer to learn more

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a merry Christmas. - Eğer eğerler ve fakatlar şekerleme ve çerez olsalar, hepimiz neşeli bir Noel yaparız.

The guests ate all the nuts. - Konuklar bütün çerezi yedi.

(Gıda) snack food
hors d'oeuvres
hors d'oeuvre
kickshaw; knick knack
beer nuts
dried fruit; nuts
hors d'oeuvres, appetizers
nick nack
hors d'oeuvres, appetizers; kickshaw, snack, nuts
{i} kickshaw
knick knack
Türkçe - Türkçe

çerezler teriminin Türkçe Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

Yemek dışında yenilen yaş veya kuru yemiş gibi şeyler: "Çorba, file, keklik, balık, biraz çerez, bir iki biradan sonra hesabımı sordum."- A. Rasim
Yemek dışında yenilen yaş veya kuru yemiş gibi şeyler
Asıl yemekten sayılmayan, peynir, zeytin gibi yiyecekler